Mattias Brunnert speaker at the joint NSW KM Forum and IIM September event: Enterprise Search - Simple, Complex and Powerful

Event date 25 September 2012

Location Venue: Upstairs Room at The Royal Exhibition Hotel, 86-88 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

Every second, more and more information is created and stored in various applications. Corporate websites, intranets, SharePoint sites, document management systems, social platforms and many more – inside the firewall the growth of information is similar to that of the internet. However, even though major players on the web have shown that navigation can’t compete with search, recent studies show that most organisations have only a small or even a non-existing budget for search. So, how can this be? Well, Google has made search look easy and some of the Enterprise search vendors give promises of a magic box. Buy a search engine, plug it in and wait for the magic to happen! Imagine the disappointment when both search results and performance are poor and users can’t find what they are looking for… When starting to plan your own Enterprise Search project you soon realize the complexity and challenge – how do you meet the expectations created by Google? In this session you will get an introduction to Enterprise Search and how to successfully use it to achieve your goals. Topics include: · Why search is important and how to measure success · Why Enterprise Search and Information Management should be friends · How to kick off your search program


  • search driven solutions
  • search
  • presentations
  • findwise
  • findability
  • enterprise search


Mirna Lenntun Zunic

Press contact Marketing & PR Marknadskommunikation +46707365822

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