Press release -

Findwise builds new search for all SCA websites

”We have been working with SCA’s internal search platform for two years now and we are pleased to be trusted to take it to the next level and integrate their external websites into the same solution.” says Anders Häggdahl, Key Account Manager at Findwise.

The decision to build a new search function for the external websites was taken when SCA’s old technology license was about to expire and an open source solution was deemed the best replacement for SCA’s present and future needs. Due to this the whole project had to be delivered in just three weeks.  

”We have several clients who have chosen open source solutions and one advantage is that we can do common development projects funded by two or more organizations. This means our clients get a very cost effective solution and gain knowledge that otherwise would have been difficult to share.” says Anders Häggdahl.

SCA’s new search function is based on state of the art technology with open source components built and refined by Findwise. The architecture is based on crawling, open pipeline, a Solr core and Jellyfish. The data in the index consists mostly of an estimated 150.000 web pages and pdf documents.

Launching a new search function is the first step after which long term governance and maintenance ensues. In the plans for further development are Q/A search GUIs, relevance optimization to meet the business needs for the different sites, improved product search, statistics logging, key-matches and query completion.

For further information, please contact:

Anders Häggdahl, Key Account Manager, 0708-150188,
Daniel Johansson, Project Manager, 0702-552333, 


  • Technology, general


  • search driven solutions
  • enterprise search
  • solr
  • open source
  • web search

Findwise is a growing and award winning IT consultancy with approximately 100 employees at offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Poland and Australia. Founded in 2005 by a team of experts from the enterprise search industry, Findwise creates search-driven Findability solutions for intranets, web, e-commerce and applications. A vendor independent expert with knowledge and experience from the leading search technology platforms: Autonomy IDOL, Microsoft (SharePoint and FAST Search products), Google GSA, IBM ICA/OmniFind, LucidWorks Enterprise, Splunk, Apptus and Apache Lucene/Solr (Open Source).


Mirna Lenntun Zunic

Press contact Marketing & PR Marknadskommunikation +46707365822