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Swedish Anti-Aircraft Defence meets Combat Helicopters

For the first time, the Swedish Anti-Aircraft Defence, has the opportunity to practice against Combat Helicopters, - and it is going to take place on Gotland.


New information:

The event with robotic 70 units and Apache attack helicopters is rescheduled to 2.30 pm. But we can also offer you a swedish-finish exercise at Tofta before lunch time. 

New meeting point: 10.00 am, field of fire Tofta, entrance ramp. 


An exercise with a unit of US AH-64 D/E Apache attack helicopters will now improve the Swedish ability. It is advantageously for Swedish staff to have the possibility to practice against this qualified weapon system. 

On Tuesday, east of Visby between Endre and Road 147, robotic 70 units from the air will collaborate with a pluton with anti-aircraft guns from P 4 in Skövde. 
Time and place:

When: September 19th at 10.00, Tofta.

Applications: We need your application before 08.00 on September 19th,
send email to
info@mil.se. Applications have to include name, personal/social security number, passportnumber and organization/company. Press ID/accreditation is required for admission.

For further information about the Exercise AURORA 17 – visit www.forsvarsmakten.se/aurora.

Any questions to Carl Sjöstrand, Communications Manager, Air Defence Regiment,  +46 766 49 20 60



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