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Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights starts a comprehensive human rights co-operation with Fryshuset

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Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights starts a comprehensive human rights co-operation with Fryshuset

Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights has started a comprehensive collaboration with Fryshuset in order to strengthen human rights among young people in Sweden.

The cooperation is based on Robert F. Kennedy Center's global human rights project Speak Truth To Power.  Author and human rights activist Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, is the driving force and initiator of the project, which is based on the inspiration from 51 courageous human rights defenders who risked their own lives defending human rights of others. In Kennedy’s book Speak Truth To Power, Human Rights Defenders Who Are Changing our World, she interviewed these 51 defenders, including Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama and Maria Teresa Tula. The book was then adapted into a play by award-winning playwright Ariel Dorfman, Speak Truth To Power, Voices From Beyond the Dark and a photo exhibition with photographs taken by Pulitzer prize-winning photographer Eddie Adams. The Speak Truth To Power human rights curriculum is used throughout the world to inspire children and young people to stand up for human rights and become role models for others.

During the launch of Speak Truth To Power in Sweden in the fall of 2012, Kerry Kennedy visited Fryshuset and met its youngsters. The contact has continued since then and has made us realize that our respective organizations have a lot in common - not the least our belief that a world where human rights are respected can only be realized by involving young people.

In partnership with the RFK Center, Fryshuset will spread Speak Truth To Power to schools and youth organizations across Sweden and give young people inspiration and tools to defend human rights in their daily lives, for example when someone is bullied, threatened or subjected to other violations. Human rights start within each of us.

"The Robert F. Kennedy Center's
collaboration with Fryshuset on the PostCode Lottery-sponsored Speak Truth To Power human rights project, enables us to take our project to a whole new level. Fryshuset's extensive reach throughout Sweden, provides us with an entree to students and teachers in every corner of the country."

John Heffernan, Director Speak Truth To Power

“Thousands of young people in Sweden have told us at Fryshuset that what they lack most in life are inspiring adult role models. Through the collaboration with Robert F. Kennedy Center, we will be able to fill that void by providing young people with knowledge and inspiration from some of the world's best role models”

Johan Oljeqvist, CEO Fryshuset

"The struggle for human rights is global, but it starts locally. I hope that Speak Truth To Power can contribute to making young people committed to strengthening human rights in their own environment and ultimately to a better world "

Nisha Besara, General Manager at Postcode Lottery Culture Foundation.

Speak Truth To Power in Sweden is made possible by the Swedish Postcode Lottery’s generous contribution of 5,625,000 SEK

The Swedish version of Speak Truth to Power's curriculum can be ordered for free from http://www.utbudet.se/  or downloaded at rfkcenter.org/sweden

For more information please contact:

Kajsa Wiktorin Phone 0730 72 01 00 Email wiktorin@rfkcenter.org

Katja Wåhlström Phone 0739 50 22 02 Email wahlstrom@rfkcenter.org



Om Fryshuset

  • Vi gör det möjligt för unga att genom sina passioner förändra världen
  • Vi ger unga verktyg att ta makten över sin framtid genom att tillvarata sin inre kraft och motivation.
  • Vi arbetar med alla unga och fokuserar särskilt på dem som lever i eller riskerar att hamna i utanförskap. Vi tror att alla kan lyckas och är värda en chans till.
  • Vi lyssnar in vad som händer i samhället och är snabba på att agera. Vi ser möjligheter där andra ser problem. Vi är tillräckligt modiga för att våga skapa förändringar, om och om igen.


Amelie Furborg

Amelie Furborg

Presskontakt Pressansvarig 070-4156467

Fryshuset gör det möjligt för unga att genom sina passioner förändra världen!

Stiftelsen Fryshuset är en religiöst och politiskt oberoende ideell organisation. Fryshuset driver ett 60-tal olika verksamheter runt om i Sverige, där unga får möjlighet att utöva sina passioner, skapa och delta i ungdomsdrivna aktiviteter, utbildningar och arbete.

Fryshuset arbetar också för att samhället ska ta ungas åsikter och idéer på allvar efter övertygelsen om att det bidrar till ett kreativt och lösningsinriktat samhällsklimat där vi vågar tänka nytt och hitta nya lösningar.

Fryshusets verksamheter finansieras idag genom bidrag från stiftelser och fonder, skolpeng och försäljning av tjänster, stöd från Stockholms stad, Göteborgs stad och Malmö stad, samt bidrag från företag och privatpersoner.

Fryshuset består av: Riksnätverket Fryshusandan, Fryshuset Basket, KFUM Fryshuset Event, Fryshuset IF, Föreningen Fryshuset Göteborg och Föreningen Fryshuset Malmö. www.fryshuset.se


Mårtensdalsgatan 2-8
120 06 Stockholm