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FundedByMe becomes a public company (publ)

Having more than 544 shareholders, already acting and complying as if a public (publ) company, FundedByMe received the approval from the shareholders at the latest Annual Meeting to be listed as a limited public company. Today the Swedish Companies Registry Office approved the application. In a few days the company will open a crowdfunding of their own on the platform and more than 500 people have already indicated their interest to invest.

"The best feeling in the world is to have an army of investors believing in you, helping you, opening doors for you. I love every single one of our investors and I can't believe that more entrepreneurs don't yet fully understand what an awesome force crowdfunding is," says CEO and co-founder Daniel Daboczy.

FundedByMe is considered to be one of Europe's strongest crowdfunding sites and the market is maturing rapidly. The company has more than 65,000 global members from 73 different countries and this pool of investors makes FundedByMe best positioned for cross-border transactions - the company sees daily investments from several countries.

Finnish pitch Marita Huurinainen saw 73% investors from outside of Finland. AddMovement (lending case) had 23% foreign lenders. It's not uncommon to see investors from Asia invest in the Nordic pitches or any from the 73 countries represented.

Recently, the Swedish Financial Authorities gave FundedByMe the green light to start scale their peer-to-business crowdlending product and the company aims at growing both equity and crowdlending in the near future.

In the US the markets are expected to grow extremely in 2016 and onwards as the crowdfunding act called the JOBSAct, signed in 2012, is being implemented as of May 12. The changes allow crowdfunding portals to openly address the entire markets and not only a pool of selected few. Even Nordic big bank Nordea has shown interest in the market as it has indicated that it will launch their own portal in Finland and eventually in Sweden.


  • Economy, Finance


  • publikt bolag
  • daboczy
  • affärs ängel
  • businessangel
  • bussiness angel
  • affärsängel
  • investor
  • bolag
  • kapital
  • investeraravdrag
  • investera
  • startup
  • finansiering
  • equity crowdfunding asia
  • equity crowdfunding europe
  • equity crowdfunding
  • crowdfunding
  • fundedbyme


  • Jönköping

FundedByMe is one of a few global full-service crowdfunding platforms offering capital through equity and loans. In the past years, some 450 companies from 25 different countries have been successfully funded with more than €19 million. The member base is a rapidly expanding network of more than 65,000 investors from over 175 countries around the world. FundedByMe headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with a local presence in countries throughout Europe, Singapore and Malaysia. 

For more information, visit


Susan Sjölund

Press contact Chief Marketing Officer Marketing and communications +46723338910

Daniel Daboczy

Press contact CEO and co-founder +46736269985