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Six out of ten want to lower their sugar intake – however the majority has difficulty achieving this goal

Over half of all Swedes (60%) would like to reduce their intake of sugar, while the majority (86%) of them thinks that it is challenging to accomplish. This according to a new study by the Novus institute on behalf of The Real Stevia Company, a Swedish-based stevia producer.

The most common challenge noticed by consumers is that it is simply too difficult to completely stop eating sugar (42%). Two other big challenges are the lack of knowledge of which food products contain excess amounts of sugar and finding products that are completely free of them. More than one-third reports this as a problem.

"We think these numbers are important for food producers and national governments to embrace, as consumers today clearly want to make a change", says Sophia Horn af Rantzien, Managing Director at The Real Stevia Company.

Men and Women share the same needs

There is no difference between women's and men's desire to reduce sugar intake in the study. Nor does the level of education, or where in the country you live, impact the desire to lower the amount of sugar in food. However there is a difference when it comes to the different age groups. Those within the 30-49 year old age bracket are primarily the ones who want to reduce their sugar intake, as reported by 65% in this demographic.

"It's interesting but not that surprising since this is usually a very knowledgeable age group with high awareness. Many in this demographic also have children which often increases a demand for nutritional changes", comments Sophia Horn af Rantzien. "There is of course a large commercial opportunity for food producers to create more sugar-free options to this desirable audience".

Consumers have a clear perception of sweeteners

Today there are several sugar alternatives to get a sweet taste in products. The most well known among artificial sweeteners is aspartame, which is reflected in the survey. ”Natural origin” is reported to be a very important aspect (as asked for by 44%) when selecting sweeteners, the survey further states. Stevia is a newcomer to natural sweeteners and has quickly gained the favour of consumers, despite it only being approved for use in EU (under the name steviol glycosides) as late as December 2011. In the study almost half (47%) report that they have at some point bought a product containing stevia.

"Sugar will most likely not be completely removed from most products, however reducing sugar content by mixing it with stevia is a much simpler process and they pair very well", says Sophia Horn af Rantzien. "Our hope is that the industry will work together with local governments to take further steps in order to allow more sugar-reduced alternatives in the grocery aisle".

Product examples with stevia today

Ice cream, chocolate, functional beverages such as vitamin- and energy drinks, soda, candy, table sweeteners, ketchup and granulated stevia sugar.

About the survey

The survey was conducted by Novus on behalf of The Real Stevia Company during August 27th to September 2nd 2015. The target demographics for the study was the Swedish public between 18-79 years old. The result is nationally representative.

For more information, please contact Sophia Horn af Rantzien, Managing Director

Tel + 46 70 8747338,


  • Business enterprise

Granular AB (publ) is a Swedish company founded in 2003, who produces and sells extracts of stevia to the global food industry.

The Real Stevia Company cooperates with smallholder farmers in Paraguay and other countries where the stevia plant grows, which enables control throughout the delivery chain.

The company strives for supplying a socially and environmentally sustainable product, which can contribute to raising the life quality of the farmers and at the same time meet the demands for quality and safety from the European food industry.

We help our customers develop attractive, well tasting and healthier products sweetened with stevia.


Anna Ålenius Mathson

Press contact Head of Marketing & Communications marketing, communications, pr, IR 073 383 64 29