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How a mobile app can keep you safe during a terrorist attack

There have been many terrorist attacks around the world, coupled with intense worldwide media interest, leaving many people feeling uncertain about traveling. However, this is not reflected in the number of people traveling, as the travel industry continues to grow. New research from WTTC shows that global travel and tourism continues to grow, despite the challenges the industry is facing.

Could this be attributed to the growing number of travel security apps?

Perhaps, as more travelers are turning to mobile apps for their personal travel safety. Information is vital in emergency situations, and travel security apps can provide alerts in real-time – during those moments when travelers need clear and concise information.

In the information age it can be too easy to rely on traditional forms of media, and to forget about the importance of diversifying information sources. GWS has a goal to provide the right information at the right time. We aim to keep travelers safe and ultimately save lives.

To read more about our study, download our white paper:

Global Warning System

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  • andreas rodman
  • global warning system
  • gws
  • safeture
  • safeture 1.1
  • vd gws
  • vd gws production ab
  • terrorism
  • mobile app
  • travel
  • travel safety