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Gynius presenting the Gynocular and T2D Cloud Based EMR system at AOGIN INDIA conference.

The AOGIN INDIA Conference aims to promote public, academic, professional & government awareness of the vital importance of cervical cancer prevention science and to catalyse the coordinated, focused multi-disciplinary research that promises to accelerate the reduction of cancer burden and mortality.

The conference is also aimed to translate evidence-based research into clinical practice and during the conference, several presentations were related to the Gynocular and T2D software. Gynius' Medical Director Elisabeth Wikström Shemer held an presentation on "Primary Screening with the Gynocular" and presented data from studies showing that triaging screen positive women, reduced overtreatment with 70 % and that the Gynocular show great promise as a triage tool in VIA and HPV positive women.

r Bindiya Gupta won second prize for best oral presentation of her study comparing they Gynocular and T2D colposcopy images to Borze videocolposcope images, and their respective Swede score in a crossover study, showing Gynocular and T2D and Borze videocolposcope in perfect agreement over Swede score of colposcopy images.

There was a large media coverage of the conference in local media to raise awareness of cervical cancer and several articles published on the Gynocular and T2D app in cervical cancer screening, and how the Gynocular and the cloud based EMR system software for doctors, nurses and health workers can enable screening , triage and direct referral in rural areas.

Simon Lewis, Gynius' Global Sales manager together with Itons' Pavan, were busy showing the Gynocular and the T2D to interested doctor during the conference and noted the high interest and strong support from the organisers and AOGIN India.

Data from various sources reflects there is a high burden of HPV related diseases in India, hence there is an direct need to upgrade preventive services and strategy to combat cervical cancer.

The Conference highlights were the new 'HPV Vaccination Fact Sheet' (American Cancer Society) - with a Hindi translation will be released for the first time in India. Recent advances in HPV Screening, Testing & Management as well as The Impact of HPV & Associated Cancers on Public Health in India and Strategies to Prevent & Treat HPV related diseases.


  • Health Care, Health Service


Elisabeth Wikström Shemer

Press contact Vice CEO and Medical Director +46704679045