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Seven of our Decoraded Farmhouses of Hälsinglandbuilt for festivities became a World Heritage on the 1th of July 2012. In swedish they are called Hälsingegårdar.

Hälsingegårdar - Map, pictures and more about the 7 World Heritage Farmhouses of Hälsingland

There are about a 1000 Hälsingegårdar in the wild, mythical and beautiful province of Hälsingland, locaded in the middle of Sweden. The landscape concists of bluegreen mountains, fields, lakes, rivers and a coast with long beaches. The world famous swedish botanist, physician and zoologist Carl von Linné called it a micro cosmos.

You can find information in english about our fantastic Hälsingegårdar – Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland at You can also check out the swedish version of the site and translate it to english with the Google Translate function in the web browser Google Chrome. We will continuously update the information on this exclusive site, dedicated to our fantastic Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland:

You can book accomodations and choose to stay at one of the Hälsingegårdar – Decorated Farmhouses. There are also a lot of activities and events at many of the Decorated Farmhouses. Find them at

Learn more about Hälsingland:

Welcome to Hälsingland in Sweden!


  • Konst


  • decorated farmhouses of hälsingland
  • world heritage
  • 2012
  • 1th july
  • information
  • about
  • hälsingegårdar
  • hälsingland
  • sweden
  • unesco
  • decorated farmhouses


  • Utanför Sverige

Hälsingland Turism Ekonomisk Förening är en näringsdriven organisation som arbetar med marknads- och utvecklingsfrågor inom besöksnäringen i Hälsingland.