Combatting the Debt Addiction

Tid 22 Maj 2014 13:00 – 16:00

Plats The Aula, Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm.

Combatting the Debt Addiction, Lord Adair Turner, INET Challenges with high household debt levels – a Swedish perspective, Anders Borg, Finance Minister International Seminar organized by the Swedish House of Finance and Global Utmaning The build-up of private debt has continued both in the Western world and in emerging countries after the 2007-08 crisis. Are banks creating money for the wrong purposes? Excessive credit creation risks driving asset inflation and frequent asset bubbles. Have we become addicted to debt? How can we turn recovery into sustained growth? What should be the tasks for the banks and for monetary and fiscal policies? What can a single country do in a global economy with increasingly global financial markets? Key-speakers: Lord Adair Turner, INET, UK Anders Borg, Swedish Finance Minister. Panel debate: The Risks with an Excessive Money Creation for the Wrong Purposes In the panel we have Lord Adair Turner, Anders Borg, Prof. Karolina Ekholm from Riksbank, Prof Pehr Wissén, Institute for Financial Research, SIFR and Kristina Persson from Global Utmaning Moderator: Dr, Ulf Dahlsten, London, School of Economics, Senior Advisor Global Utmaning Please register via


Ylva Mossing

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