Report Launch "Walking the talk"

Tid 6 Oktober 2015 16:00 – 18:00

Plats Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, Room: Ragnar

Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (MISUM) at the Stockholm School of Economics is launching the report "Walking the talk", a study of the publicly available sustainability efforts of all 72 Large Cap NASDAQ/OMX in Sweden. The role of business in society has increasingly been recognized as a key driver of sustainable development. Companies' publicly available communication is often the only information available to external stakeholders on how companies integrate sustainability in strategies and operations. In the report "Walking the talk", commissioned by MISUM and Corporate Donor Relations at Stockholm School of Economics, all NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Large Cap Index Companies are examined and scored on how they communicate and measure their sustainability work. The channels examined are corporate websites, sustainability reports, and/or annual reports for 2014. Companies' publicly communicated sustainability work may exclude key initiatives not yet finalized or published. Sectors, size and governance may stress certain indicators in the study, and the indicators themselves can be debated. However, publicly available information is relevant and comparing companies on what they communicate is a powerful source of further understanding and development. The authors of the report, SSE-students Uta Höneman and Elisabet Ålander, will present the report during the event and a panel discussion with business representatives will follow. Questions? Please contact: Eleonora Lotti, Center Administrator MISUM, Stockholm School of Economics, + 46 70 096 03 92,


Ylva Mossing

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