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Anna Kinberg Batra is recruited to the Stockholm School of Economics

Anna Kinberg Batra, former Leader of the Moderate Party, will join the Center for Advanced Studies in Leadership starting March 1. Together with the Center’s researchers and partners, she will explore the demands imposed on leadership in turbulent times, in both the business and public sectors, and utilize her experience and knowledge in SSE’s various education programs.

Anna Kinberg Batra was Leader of the Moderate Party from 2015 to 2017 and the first woman to hold the position. In the Riksdag (parliament), she has also been Group Leader, the first Moderate chairman of the Committee on Finance, and chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs. Anna Kinberg Batra holds a degree from the Stockholm School of Economics. In addition to her experience in politics, she has worked in founding teams of two recruitment companies, run her own company with, among other things, assignments for SSE Business Lab, written a book on India, and served as Director of Communication at the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.

At SSE, Anna Kinberg Batra will hold the title of Leader in Residence, which will, among other things, entail sharing her leadership experience from challenging environments with students, researchers, alumni and partners.

“I look forward to returning to SSE to share my experience of leadership in turbulent times of change. As society and circumstances change, new demands are placed on leadership in both the political arena and the private sector. It will be exciting to share experience with researchers and leaders from other sectors in exploring leadership that builds strength during change,” says Anna Kinberg Batra.

“Times of great turmoil and extreme uncertainty challenge what is commonly known about leadership. New circumstances and requirements simply demand new knowledge and leadership models. Anna Kinberg Batra’s solid experience of top-level political leadership is well-suited to our ongoing and planned development work,” says Ingalill Holmberg, head of the Center for Advanced Studies in Leadership at the Stockholm School of Economics.

For further information, please contact:

Hanna Flodmark, Communication and Marketing Manager, Stockholm School of Economics
E-mail:, Mobile: +46 (0)70-689 90 15

Evelina Minberger, contact person for Anna Kinberg Batra
E-mail:, Mobile: +46 (0)70-269 21 22


  • Ekonomi, finans


  • Stockholm

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The School is accredited by EQUIS, certifying that all of its principal activities – teaching as well as research – maintain the highest international standards. The Stockholm School of Economics is also the only Swedish member institution of CEMS and PIM, which are collaborations between top business schools worldwide, contributing to the level of quality for our school is known.

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