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Students Competing with Job Matching Platform for Africa

Today, over 1.8 billion workers in developing countries are informally employed. Searching for a job in Nairobi, Kenya, is a daily challenge. At the same time, employers are struggling to find reliable and skilled workers. Four Master students have through their job matching platform made it to the regional finals of the annual Hult Prize Challenge, the world’s largest student competition for social good.

“We are proud to see such passionate students combining their business skills to drive social impact. Kazi Connect has our full support and we cheer for our team at the Regional Finals in London!” says Lars Ågren, Vice President of Stockholm School of Economics.

At present there is no media platform connecting and creating value for both job seekers and employers. The SSE student team is currently developing an online, mobile and SMS enabled platform that will connect informal Kenyan tradesmen and domestic workers with job opportunities provided by small-medium sized enterprises and private-households. Importantly, Kazi Connect seeks to empower workers by upskilling them through vocational training, mobile-education and e-learning opportunities, provided by existing local partners.

In the Hult Prize top-tier schools go head-to-head in world’s largest student competition for social good, funded by Swedish business man Bertil Hult. The students are competing for $1 million in start-up funding to solve President Clinton’s Urban Spaces Challenge. SSE’s winning team Kazi Connect ( has advanced to the London Regional Finals of the Hult Prize.

The Kazi Connect’s diverse team consists of four Master students from different countries who are specializing in different fields of study. What brings them together is their passion for social entrepreneurship and their determination to help break the poverty cycle in the developing world.

The Kazi Connect team: Benjamin Lau, Alena Klatte, Julia Mut and Nick Harinos.

Press Contacts
Kazi Connect:
Julia Mut, MSc Student Business & Management
Cell: +46729255686

Hult Prize:

About the Hult Prize Foundation
The Hult Prize has been named by TIME Magazine amongst the top five ideas changing the world. The annual Hult Prize Challenge is the world’s largest student competition and crowd-sourcing platform for social good, offering a grand prize of US$1,000,000.

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  • Ekonomi, finans


  • Stockholm

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm School of Economics, SSE) är en av de ledande handelshögskolorna i Europa. Handelshögskolan har en stark internationell position med representation i Lettland och Ryssland och erbjuder kandidat, master- och MBA-program, liksom forskarutbildning och executive education. Dessutom bedrivs världsledande forskning inom områden som national-, finansiell- och företagsekonomi. Handelshögskolan är certifierad av EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System), som garanterar att undervisning såväl som forskning håller högsta internationella klass, och är också Sveriges representant i CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education).

Stockholm School of Economics . Sveavägen 65 . Box 6501. SE-113 83 Stockholm .  Sweden . Phone +46 8 736 90 00 .


Ylva Mossing

Presskontakt Content and Media Relations Manager 0730972616