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Pictures from the degree day EXIT 19 at the Swedish School of Textiles

Inverted identity, Step into my office! and The two-sided knit. These were some of the collections and creations of the fashion design students’ degree show and the textile design students' exhibition during EXIT19.

EXIT19, which took place on Wednesday, June 5, became a day filled with inspirational creations in various forms. The interest in the fashion design students' degree show in Borås Congress was as usual high, and with almost 800 people attending, the line stretched long down the street.

The textile design students showed their work in the exhibition TXTL at the Textile Museum. For those who missed the opening, the exhibition is open all summer until August 15.

Here you can find pictures from the textile design students

Here you can find pictures from the fashion design students

Here are all the pictures as .zip!

Here you can see the entire degree show.


Fashion design 

Emma Fälth,

Textile design

Marjan Kooroshnia,

Relaterade länkar


Högskolan i Borås bedriver utbildningar inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, ekonomi och informatik, mode och textil, beteendevetenskap och lärarutbildning, teknik samt vårdvetenskap. Campus ligger mitt i city, och vi har ca 11 000 studenter och 748 anställda.

Högskolan i Borås försöker ständigt minimera gapet mellan teori och praktik. Därför utbildas våra studenter nära arbetslivet. Vi satsar på problembaserad forskning med tydliga professionskopplingar. Våra studenter ska snabbt kunna fungera i yrkeslivet efter avlagd examen. Högskolan i Borås har fyra examenstillstånd på forskarnivå inom  biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, människan i vården, resursåtervinning samt textil och mode.


Marc Hermansson

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