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Besök av Al Jazeera och BBC

Media Management and Transformation Centre vid Internationella Handelshögskolan (Jönköping International Business School, JIBS) bjuder in till föreläsningar med Mostefa Souag, Director of the Al Jazeera Center for Studies och Richard Porter, nyhetschef vid BBC World 27 november respektive 4 december (se program nedan). Efter föreläsningarna kommer det att finnas möjligheter att ställa frågor till föredragshållarna i form av en presskonferens. Contact person at JIBS: Leon Barkho, phone work 036-10 18 92, home 036-12 80 90, mobile 073 5636 403. Communication language is English. Leon Barkho is a university teacher and a reporter from Iraque, nowadays studying as a doctoral student at JIBS and teaching at the Media and Communications Programme at the School of Education and Media at Jönköping University. THE EVENTS 1. The Media Management and Transformation Centre at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) welcomes you to attend the following lectures: Mostefa Souag, Director of the Al Jazeera Center for Studies "Confronting the Censor: Media and Politics Through the Lens of Al Jazeera" Date: Monday, 27 November Time: 1.30 p.m. Place: Building B, JIBS, Room: B1014 (ground floor) Biography Mostefa Souag is Director of the Al Jazeera Center for Studies. The Center houses a large team of researchers and pollsters, conducting in-depth studies and analysis of social, economic and political developments in the Arab world and beyond. Souag joined Al Jazeera in 2002 as producer of the program "Current Affairs." He then moved to London where he became Al Jazeera's editorial bureau chief and a senior correspondent. Souag was a university professor before moving to television as a reporter and show producer for BBC Arabic Television and MBC. He has been a correspondent for many Arabic newspapers and magazines from Washington, Algeria and London 2. Richard Porter, BBCs Head of News "BBC News - building trust in the digital age A strategy for national and global audiences in a world of exploding choice and competition" Date: Monday, 4 December Time: 2 p.m. Place: Building B, JIBS, Room: B1014 (ground floor) Richard Porter intends to talk about how BBC News is approaching the next few years at a time when there is an ever-increasing amount of competition in the news market, and many other sources of information. He will discuss how they believe the developments in technology will impact upon them, both in the sense of how audiences behave and how it will enable them to produce news in different ways on different platforms. He intends to show how the BBC's values - which are a function of their public service role in the UK and around the world - continue to be relevant and indeed are in greater demand globally. He'll also talk about how they distinguish themselves from their competitors. And he'd very much like to take questions and discuss some of the issues with his audience. Biography Richard Porter is the Head of News at BBC World. Richard began his journalism career in local newspapers before joining the BBC in 1989. He worked for BBC Nations and Regions in Bristol, Newcastle, Leeds and, finally, Manchester, where he was News and Current Affairs Editor. He joined BBC News 24 in 1997, six months ahead of its launch, and edited weekend and breakfast programmes. Two years later he was made Senior Editor of BBC News 24, responsible for 10 hours of news coverage every day. In 2001, Richard was made Editor of BBC ONEs Breakfast programme, and during this time covered major news stories such as the British General Election 2001, the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, and the Iraq war. In 2004 he joined BBC World as Editorial Director, overseeing its editorial strategy as well as all its commissioning and scheduling. Late last year he became the channel's Head of News, taking responsibility for expanding and modernising its live news output.





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Sophie Liljefall

Sophie Liljefall

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