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KIBI adds staff in Denmark

We welcome Till Blume and Patrick Kongshammer as Consultants, Support, for KIBI Healthcare Solutions.

Till Blume has a solid background with a master degree from the IT University of Copenhagen in software development and technology and an additionally master degree from the Technical University of Denmark in energy engineering. The past six years he has spent in the software industry including four years at Daintel where he worked with developing and supporting the Critical Information System (CIS) for intensive care units. Before that he worked as Project Engineer in the HVAC industry, with everything from solution design to handing over the system.

Patrick Kongshammer has a background within IT-support for over 10 years, and has previously worked as an IT-technician and Applications programmer at Herlev Hospital in Copenhagen and as an IT-administrator at a Copenhagen based distribution company. Patrick has an AP degree in IT technology and BA degree in Web development.


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


Terese Hedin

Press contact Marketing & Communications Director + 46 709 123 111