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Lexter trusts Panphonics Sound Shower® for sound design

Lexter Technology & Sound AB from Sweden has a deep understanding of the vast possibilities of sound environments. With creative sound design, Lexter helps their customers meet their communicative and commercial goals. Panphonics Sound Shower® directional sound is one of the key technologies Lexter uses in its sound concepts.

Lexter's innovative sound design aims at creating added value by providing something extra to the final customer, both in public spaces such as libraries, museums or concert halls and in commercial environments such as stores, shopping malls or supermarkets. The possibilities of creative sound concepts in different spaces are endless; with imagination and a deep understanding of the behaviour of both sound and people, sound can bring a new dimension to any human experience.

Directional sound for enjoyable shopping

Some of the conceptual sound solutions created by Lexter are made for big commercial spaces, such as shopping malls or supermarkets. Lexter uses sound to create attention to allocated spots and through this enables an atmosphere where the customers want to stay longer.

A Swedish supermarket chain, City Gross, is a good example of Lexter's sound architecture. Lexter created a whole new sound concept for City Gross, using Sound Shower® by Panphonics. The concept improves the shopping experience at City Gross by creating enjoyable sound atmospheres for the different areas and departments of the supermarket. While shopping fruit and vegetables, the customer enjoys sounds of forest, summer and birds. At the fish desk, the sound environment is completely different, with waves hitting on the rocks. At the queuing line three out of nine lines are set with SoundShowers, the customers can choose whether to wait without a sound experience or listen to classical music, tropical sound or famous speeches. The concept is brought live by Panphonics' Sound Shower® directional sound, which enables restricting each sound environment to the specified area where it is aimed at.


The sound concept at City Gross has not only proven to work - making the customers enjoy their shopping experience more - but it has also brought about some unexpected findings. For example, the sound atmosphere makes the customers at City Gross more talkative and happy, and thus improves the interaction between the personnel and the customers. No wonder City Gross has decided to bring Lexter's sound concept to every new big City Gross store in Sweden. Another case example of creative sound design by Lexter is H3 by Bromma Blocks. Bromma Blocks is a mall complex built and owned by one of Sweden's biggest owners of retail property, KF Fastigheter. Opened in October 2010, it holds 77 stores with 13 restaurants and cafeterias. The sound concept at the mall is based on directional sound. The directional sound in the escalators, lounge areas and the area that limits off some of the brand stores is delivered by Panphonics Sound Shower®. The usage of directional sound in the shopping mall varies depending on where the sound is aimed at. For example, in the limits of a certain store, the sound is used for special campaigns and activated by sensors, whereas in the lounge area a continuous sound atmosphere gives the customers a chance to relax for a moment while shopping.

Creative and technical competence for efficient solutions

In order to best reap the benefits of the vast possibilities of sound design, a collaboration of creative and technical competence must be reached. An efficient sound design that delivers the intended message exactly where it is desired requires a strong understanding of the possibilities of sound design as well as high quality technical solutions, such as Sound Shower® by Panphonics. Together, these two work to envision conceptual sound solutions and in effect create environments that exceed the customer's expectations and through particularly directional sound, bring any atmosphere to a new level. Here, Lexter is working in close cooperation with Electrosound AB, a local Panphonics sales partner.




Panphonics is the world's leading provider of directional audio speakers. Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Finland, Panphonics delivers targeted audio solutions for acoustically demanding applications. Panphonics Sound Shower® directional audio speakers can be found in banks, retail stores, digital signage projects, museums, information kiosks, service stations, theaters, and offices throughout the world.

About Lexter

Lexter Technology & Sound AB is a company that works with sound design, specializing among others in directional sound. Lexter believes that sound design is a vital part of a complete experience for all areas and concepts. The company offers sound solutions for all different occasions such as public events, exhibitions, offices, libraries, retail, etc.

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Saga Hiller

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