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New release of k6 is out - v0.20.0

Lots of goodies in this release! 🎉

We are working towards a 1.0 release of k6. Here is a small outline of the releases that can be found in v0.20.0:

  • Lifecycle: setup/teardown functions (#457)
    Finally k6 has the same basic test lifecycle hooks as many "normal" testing tools, setup and teardown, and you have the full JS API of k6 available within these functions which means you can make HTTP calls etc. that you can’t do in the global/init scope.
  • Thresholds: Support for aborting test early as soon as threshold is hit (#508)
    This PR adds functionality to specify that a test run should abort the test as soon as a threshold evaluates to false, optionally with a delay in threshold evaluation to avoid aborting to early when the number of samples collected is low.
  • Options: DNS override (#494)
    Overriding DNS resolution of hostnames can come in handy when testing a system that is run in multiple environments (dev, staging, prod etc.) with different IP addresses but responds to the same Host header.

Read about all the new features added in the v0.20.0 release here

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  • continuous integration
  • devops
  • continuous delivery
  • performance testing
  • load testing
  • load impact
  • k6

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