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Interview with Jenifer Reina, Mitt Livs Chans Online Alumnus

Our digital mentorship programme, Mitt Livs Chans Online, has been growing steadily since we launched it in January 2017. It is always a pleasure when we get messages from Mitt Livs Chans Online alumni saying that they have secured their dream jobs. One of them is Jenifer Reina. Originally from Guatemala, Jenifer has been living in Sweden for 2 years and obtained a master's degree in Management from Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law. Jenifer responded to our questions about the mentorship programme and the way to her dream job.

What do you think about Mitt Livs Chans Online mentorship programme?

In general I think that the programme is a great opportunity to increase your chances of finding a job, which is everyone's goal. First, you get to know a little bit more about how the Swedish labor market works. Second, your network of contacts is increased because you will meet different mentors and mentees. Third, your mentor will give you concrete advice about your CV and Cover Letter,and other relevant information or skills to highlight in your job searching process.

What was the best thing about the programme?

This is different for everyone but for me it has been increasing my network of contacts. From the very first online networking session you are meeting different people and finding out more about what everyone is doing or where each one is working at. We also exchange experience with each other. For me it is so interesting to get to know more about a person and to share common interests or concerns. I am still in touch with two mentors and two mentees from the programme I was in.

What were the challenges you faced in the program?

One of the challenges was to match my mentor's schedule with mine. It was a challenge at the beginning but at the end it worked out fine.

Can you tell us more about your relationship with your mentor?

I consider myself very fortunate because I had two mentors at the end of the program. My first mentor works in Stockholm at a well-known multinational company. My impression is that we instantly connected when we first talked on the phone. She is very easy to talk with and we share the same positive energy, so all the sessions with her were so much fun! The hour we usually scheduled was not enough and it went so fast because it was a very productive meeting. We always tried to schedule an hour per week so we could discuss different subjects and improve strategies for my job applications.

An unexpected situation kept my mentor away for several weeks. During this time I had the opportunity to meet another mentor when having one of the breakout sessions during one of the online networking meetings. By meeting my second mentor I received another point of view and different valuable comments. My later mentor works at another well-known multinational company. And luckily for me, it turned out that he also lived in Gothenburg so we met for a 'fika' or coffee one day. He had his laptop with him, so he helped me to search for positions available at the company where he works at. His advice and encouragement was very important for me because he also has an international background. He understood how tiring or frustrating it can be to find a job in a different country as he was once in the same situation as me. Furthermore, he recommended me to a position within his department and I was still on the ongoing process when I was offered a job at another company, which became my current employer. I am very thankful for such wonderful mentors.

Tell us about your new job.

I am working as a consultant for Volvo. My position involves logistics and supply chain, which was my dream job! I plan the supply for a specific engine size, based on market demand and forecasts.

I think that Mitt Livs Chans Online contributed to finding my job, for sure. The programme gave me the drive to continue and not to give up. It is important to remember that patience plays an important factor when looking for a job. It could happen within one week that you get a job or six months, which was my case. It all depends of the industry and job position you are looking for. The important thing is to keep your goal in sight and try to enjoy the journey, as difficult as it may be. There will always be good and bad days. Surrounding yourself with people that will give you positive energy will make the journey nicer and easier. You never know if the next person you are meeting will bring you closer to your next job. I would like to quote Walt Disney here, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

Interested in applying to our digital mentorship programme, Mitt Livs Chans Online? Click here to apply.




Cecilia Öhrner

Cecilia Öhrner

Press contact Communications Manager, Mitt Liv Communications +46 (0)70 299 40 22
Sofia Appelgren

Sofia Appelgren

Press contact Founder & Country Manager, Switzerland +46 (0) 768 817 815

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