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Interview with Veronica and Yiyuan: Mitt Liv made an excellent match

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Interview with Veronica and Yiyuan: Mitt Liv made an excellent match

During a company visit for Mitt Livs Chans mentee at Microsoft Sweden head office, we sat down with Veronica Stjärnfelt, Senior Service Delivery Manager at Microsoft and Yiyuan Xu. Both were participants in Mitt Livs Chans mentorship programme spring 2018. Mitt Liv matched the two together as mentor and mentee pair based on their interest in digitalization.

" I think Mitt Liv made an excellent match. I enjoyed so much working together with Yiyuan in the programme. She's quick to learn, look at the details and always follows- up. But what I really like about Yiyuan is that she's also humble, sweet and most of all curious. And we both love Netflix," says Veronica.

"Veronica is more like my friend than my mentor," Yiyuan says. "She helps me on how to solve a problem in Sweden, especially when there's culture shock," explains Yiyuan.

Mitt Liv is happy to share that Yiyuan has landed a job that matches her qualifications. She now works as UX Designer/DigitalDevelopment and Innovation at one of our partner companies, Scandic Hotels.

To watch the whole interview with Veronica and Yiyuan, click on the Youtube video below.




Cecilia Öhrner

Cecilia Öhrner

Press contact Communications Manager, Mitt Liv Communications +46 (0)70 299 40 22
Sofia Appelgren

Sofia Appelgren

Press contact Founder & Country Manager, Switzerland +46 (0) 768 817 815

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