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Net Insight, Calrec and Grass Valley bring Remote Production to the next level

Stockholm, Sweden,IBC 2017 (stand #1.B40) Net Insight the leading provider in media transport and resource scheduling, takes live IP based remote production to the next level at IBC 2017, stand #1.B40. Together with solutions partners Grass Valley and Calrec, Net Insight will demonstrate live Remote Production 2.0 where workflows are completely distributed and set up is plug and play. By interconnecting and orchestrating distributed production resources over Wide Area Networks, production companies and broadcasters can significantly improve their operational efficiency and flexibility.

Net Insight’s established leadership in remote production is built around the Nimbra media transport platform. Fully certified by telcos for its high-quality audio and video transport over IP, the Nimbra portfolio’s built-in video processing, best in class J2K encoding and 100% reliable quality of service combined with unique features for equipment control and synchronization makes it the preferred choice for remote production.

At this year’s IBC, Net Insight brings remote production to the next level. With strategic partnerships in place, such as Net Insight’s agreement with Calrec Audio, one of the leading manufacturers of high quality production and live to air audio mixing consoles exclusively for broadcasters, Net Insight is simplifying the challenges the broadcast industry faces in deploying remote live productions. This is being achieved by integrating Net Insight’s Nimbra platform with Calrec’s RP1 Remote Production unit to provide support with a full audio remote production solution that offers simple connectivity, quality assured transport and precise control of audio mixes from any location.

“Our joint partnership provides the industry with best in class quality for audio, video and transport. The versatility of this combined solution means productions can connect via analogue, AES, MADI, SDI, and the latest AoIP solutions from AES67, and SMPTE 2022 and transport remotely over IP,” says Dave Letson, Vice President of Sales of Calrec. “With all DSP processing for monitor mixes taken care of on-site, the transmission console at base can concentrate purely on the main program mix.”

Net Insight will also show the first J2K compressed studio camera signal transport over WAN in cooperation with Grass Valley’s Direct IP live concept.

“By not requiring the XCU to be on site anymore, customers will save weight and space in mobile facilities and gain from faster switching between productions,” says Klaus Weber, Principal Camera Solutions & Technology at Grass Valley.

The SMPTE 2022-6 setup allows to transport the source video signal including all camera telemetrics over the network and controlling it from the center facility requiring less technical resources at the event site and ease of production is guaranteed.

“Remote broadcasting means fewer resources are needed on site, and controlling video and audio from a remote console saves money on setup time, crew, logistics, and equipment,” says Martin Karlsson, CTO and vice president product portfolio of Net Insight. Net Insight. “By partnering with leading vendors like Calrec for audio processing and Grass Valley for video acquisition, Net Insight now offers Remote Production 2.0 - the most comprehensive, high quality and cost-efficient solution for remote and distributed production.”

Live demos at IBC 2017

At IBC 2017, Net Insight will run live demonstrations three times a day between stand #1.B40 and that of key partners to showcase game-changing remote production integrations. These include:

  • Live remote production workflows between Net Insight and Calrec’s booth in hall 8 (8.C61) featuring the latest product innovations from Net Insight: CPN, ScheduALL and Nimbra VA. Net Insight will host a Production Operations Center at its booth for production of signals generated at and transported from Calrec. A key aspect of the demo will see Nimbra integrated with Calrec’s RP1 Remote Broadcast unit to provide simple connectivity, quality assured transport and precise control of audio mixes.
  • Net Insight will transport IP camera signals from an LDX 86 Series camera located at Calrec’s booth. Signals will be compressed in J2K with SMPTE 2022-6 to a Grass Valley XCU (eXchangeable Camera Control Unit) located in the ’production gallery’ at Net Insight’s booth.
  • Net Insight will also highlight its Customer Provisioned Networks (CPN) and ScheduALL capacity and resource management solutions as part of the remote production demonstrations. Integration of these solutions allows service providers to dynamically schedule production resources and set up network connectivity through a software defined WAN.
  • The demos will be 15-20 minutes at the following dates and times:

Friday, September 15: 2 pm & 4 pm

Saturday, September 16: 11am & 2pm & 4pm

Sunday, September 17: 11am & 2pm & 4pm

Monday, September 18: 11am & 2pm & 4pm

For more on Remote Production:

For further information, please contact:Martin Karlsson, CTO and vice president product portfolio of Net Insight, +46 8 685 04 00,

About Calrec Audio

Calrec Audio is exclusively dedicated to excellence in audio mixing for on-air and live production.

A broadcast specialist for more than 50 years, Calrec has developed a range of digital consoles relied on by the world’s most successful broadcasters.

For putting sound in the picture, broadcasters put their trust in Calrec. More information is available at

About Grass Valley

For more information, please visit


  • Nätverksprodukter


  • net insight
  • remote production


  • Stockholm

About Net Insight

Net Insight's vision is to enable a live and interactive media experience for anyone on earth. Our aim is to lead progress and enable a global media marketplace where live content can be exchanged and interaction among TV audiences can take place in real-time. We want to create the media experience of the future, centered on content.

Net Insight delivers products, software and services for effective, high-quality media transport, coupled with the effective management of resources, all, which creates an enhanced TV experience. Net Insight’s offerings span across the entire media spectrum, starting from TV cameras and TV studios, right through to the TV consumers. Our solutions benefit network operators, and TV and production companies, by lowering total cost of ownership, improving their workflow efficiencies and providing them with the ability to capture new business opportunities.

More than 500 world-class customers run mission critical media services using Net Insight’s solutions, covering more than 60 countries worldwide. Net Insight is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

For more information, please visit


Mari Fogelberg

Presskontakt Marketing Communications Manager 08 685 04 00

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