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Nordic website on integration of refugees and migrants - now available in English

Our home page is intended to make it easier for people working with the integration of new arrivals to find new knowledge and to gain inspiration for new working methods. We also want to help those who work to promote the settlement of new arrivals to establish new contacts in the Nordic region. We are now launching a English version of the website.

It contains most of the content on our Nordic website with the same design and functionality. In the top left corner of the home page, above the navigation menu, there is a flag which you can click on to change the language.

“We hope that our website will be of use to all those who work with integration in the Nordic region and in Europe. It illustrates what refugees and immigrants think is important, we list informative examples and summarise knowledge based on research. We can benefit greatly from sharing experiences from different countries,” says Kristin Marklund, who manages the Nordic integration project.

New knowledge and new voices
Our website also contains current research, news and conferences in the field of integration, as well as information about the stakeholders working with integration in the Nordic countries. We also let refugees describe what they felt to be the most important factor when integrating into society and feeling accepted in their new home country.

Lessons from our neighbours
We will collect informative examples where we describe how successful local authorities in the Nordic region are working with integration issues. We hope that these examples will serve as inspiration for new knowledge and new, effective working methods. For example, they might outline how more new arrivals manage to find work or describe projects that have successfully countered segregation in socially disadvantaged areas and which improve the integration and independence of immigrant women.

Broad social issue
The field of integration affects most parts of society: the labour market, housing, social services and regional development. We will present each area individually on the website. Our first two topics cover how local authorities with an ageing population can benefit from immigrants and refugees and how we are going to get more new arrivals into employment. We present recent statistics about the population situation in local authorities in the Nordic region, we arrange seminars and highlight informative examples that have succeeded, for example, in getting more immigrant women into work.

Visit our English Website


  • Arbetsliv


  • integration

In autumn 2016 The Nordic Welfare Centre was asked by the Nordic Council of Ministers to lead the project “Nordic collaboration on integration” in close cooperation with Nordregio. The website is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ collaboration programme on integration.


Judit Hadnagy

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef +46 70 605 5681

Joakim K E Johansson

Presskontakt Kommunikationsrådgivare/Communications Adviser +46 (0)733 13 30 26

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