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OKQ8 is expanding in renewable energy

OKQ8 has agreed the acquisition of the business of Kraftpojkarna, a market-leading supplier of turnkey solutions for solar energy.

Kraftpojkarna, which has grown rapidly since it was launched in 2012, focuses on solar power, energy storage and charging infrastructure. Its unique business model is based on packaging and supplying technologically advanced energy systems.

The nationwide distributor network consists of energy producers, solar panel distributors, electrical installers and construction companies. Kraftpojkarna supports its distributors with project planning, deliveries, installation and service. Kraftpojkarna’s end-customers are both commercial and private, ranging from major property companies, agriculture and industry to home owners.

– The acquisition is in line with our sustainability strategy. Solar will become one of our most important energy sources, and OKQ8 is committed to encouraging and accelerating this trend. Kraftpojkarna has built an impressive operation, and we can provide the resources and conditions to generate even greater growth, says Magnus Kamryd, CEO of OKQ8.

– Demand for our products and services for generating solar electricity is increasing sharply. In combination with new opportunities in energy storage, energy optimisation and charging, demand will increase even more strongly in future years. We are delighted to have a strong new main owner in OKQ8, says Christian Tapper, CEO and joint owner of Kraftpojkarna.

Kraftpojkarna also built and operates, on its own account, a solar park alongside the E18 Euroroute between Enköping and Västerås. The solar park, with an area equivalent to seven football fields, has 91 solar trackers which generate electricity for a local energy company. The park also functions as a test facility for future products and solutions, before these are released on the market.

The operation will continue as an independent company, with Christian Tapper remaining as CEO.

For further information, please contact :

Andréa Haag, Director Sustainability, OKQ8 AB, +46 (0)70-268 02 03, andrea.haag@okq8.se

Christian Tapper, CEO, Kraftpojkarna AB, +46 (0)10-454 43 01, tapper@kraftpojkarna.se


OKQ8 Scandinavia – Facilitator for people on the moveFacilitator for people on the move 

Our service stations offer products and services designed to make life easier for people on the move. We don’t just supply fuel – we also provide the best service on the market, excellent availability and a comprehensive range of car products, everyday items, well-prepared fresh food and organic coffee.

OKQ8 Scandinavia incorporates OKQ8 in Sweden and Q8 in Denmark, and is one of Scandinavia’s largest fuel companies, with around 1000 outlets serving both cars and commercial vehicles. In Sweden, we have around 750 stations across the country, for cars and commercial vehicles. Many of our 350 staffed service stations provide car washes, indoor wash-it-yourself facilities, car hire and service workshops. We also offer products for agriculture, the transport industry, shipping, engineering and cycling. Our OKQ8 VISA card is one of the best on the market.

OKQ8 Scandinavia is at the cutting-edge in the development of environmentally-sensitive and environmentally-friendly fuels and products. Our Swedish operation has been named Sweden’s most sustainable fuel company in the Sustainable Brand Index six times. As a committed member of the UN Global Compact initiative, OKQ8 actively supports the UN’s ten principles on human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. You can read more on this at okq8.se.

OKQ8 Scandinavia

OKQ8 Scandinavia har verksamhet i Sverige och Danmark och är ett av Skandinaviens största drivmedelsbolag. Vi är en engagerad, kundorienterad och hållbarhetsfokuserad organisation med cirka 5 000 medarbetare. Vi arbetar aktivt för att driva utvecklingen av mer hållbara drivmedel och produkter, att minska ojämlikhet och att bidra till hållbara städer och samhällen. OKQ8 Scandinavia har cirka 1 000 servicestationer, en egen bank och ett av marknadens starkaste företagserbjudanden. Läs gärna mer på okq8.se.