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WEB.DE chooses Picsearch to power image search - Leading German portal enhanced by Picsearch

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, November 9, 2006 - It was announced today that WEB.DE, a leading internet portal in Germany, has selected Picsearch to power its image search service for its 10,5 million monthly users. The multi year agreement between WEB.DE and Picsearch will also include image search services on with an additional 7.9 million users. Robert Risberg, Picsearch's CEO, said "The German market is important for Picsearch and we are pleased that WEB.DE has chosen us. Our focus on quality and family friendliness has always been highly appreciated by German users. " Germany is the largest Internet market in Europe with 36 million users; and where an astounding 94 percent of all teenagers use the Internet on a regular basis. The WEB.DE portal has a large range of different services for its users, including search which is second only in popularity to e-mail. In 2005 WEB.DE was selected as the best search service in Germany (MetrixLab). Image search has shown a much larger growth than web search during the last year. Picsearch is one of the three largest image search providers in the world and has over 1.7 billion searchable images. Every month, several million new images are added to the service. Picsearch has, since its inception, strived for relevancy and family friendliness. High relevancy helps the user to find the image they are looking for. Family friendliness allows children to surf in safety as offensive material is filtered out by advanced filtering systems. About Picsearch Picsearch AB is a premium provider of image and multimedia search services. The services are market leading in relevancy and family friendliness. Picsearch powers several leading Internet sites as well as its own Internet properties. Picsearch was founded in 2000, is privately held and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information please visit For more information please contact: Carl Särnstrand, Communications Manager at Picsearch Tel: +46 73 204 14 79 E-mail:


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