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Krook & Tjäder appoint international business development manager

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Krook & Tjäder appoint international business development manager

Architects Krook & Tjäder have appointed architect Willem Bruijn. He will continue to develop the company's international business with a focus on sustainability and sustainable architecture.

Willem Bruijn hails from Baumschlager Eberle's office in Lustenau, Austria, where he has been a partner and business development architect for Europe, Asia and North America. As well as working for the renowned firm of architects, he has also lectured in architecture at universities in Denmark, Norway, Austria, France and Switzerland. He will be responsible for Krook & Tjäder's international business relationships with a focus on growth and sustainability.

"I look forward to working with Krook & Tjäder," says Willem Bruijn, Director of International Affairs at Krook & Tjäder. "The company has enthusiasm and drive and is involved in a large number of successful projects. I am inspired by the opportunity I have been given to be part of Scandinavian culture, and together we will continue to develop our network of clients in Scandinavia, Europe and the world. Sustainable building is a fusion of aesthetics, culture, economy, climate, ecology and technology. The architect's job is to combine these elements in an attractive and cost-effective way. That way, we create sustainable architecture," says Willem.

Willem will be based in both Malmö and Austria, and his responsibilities will be group wide.

"We are delighted and proud to have Willem working with us," says Group CEO, Johan von Wachenfeldt. We've been working with him through our Malmö office for some time now and we believe we share the same vision around architecture and sustainability. So far, Krook & Tjäder have been involved in projects in 19 different countries, the majority of projects outside Scandinavia being hotels. Willem's focus on other markets will further strengthen our business and will enable us to cover a wider geographical area and access different types of project. We know that our expertise in building robust buildings which can be modified over time is in demand. We are already designing buildings which are viable and in demand not only in Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries but also in other parts of the world," says Johan.



Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder är ett av Sveriges största arkitektkontor med över 200 medarbetare i Malmö, Halmstad, Borås, Göteborg, Stockholm, Uppsala, Östersund och Oslo. Kontoren arbetar med en stor bredd av uppdrag inom husbyggnad, hotell, stadsbyggnad, landskapsplanering, inredning samt produktdesign. Krook & Tjäders kontor är kvalitets- och miljöcertifierade enligt ISO 14001 och ISO 9001. Inom Krook & Tjäder finns en etablerad modell för delägarskap.


Malin Lind

Malin Lind

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef Kommunikation 073-3915021 Krook & Tjäder

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Vår kunskap sträcker sig genom hela kedjan i byggprocessen. Vi kan stadsbyggnad, arkitektur, landskap och inredning till produktdesign. Det skapar helhetssyn, verkshöjd och trygghet i genomförandet. Framför allt möjliggör vårt arbetssätt korta ledtider. Vår kompetens innefattar kreativ gestaltning med tydlig koppling till hållbarhet och beständigt byggande och en fastighetsekonomisk insikt och förståelse. Vi börjar med detaljplanen och fullbordar uppdraget med att rita byggnaden in i minsta detalj. Starka team i Malmö, Halmstad, Göteborg, Borås, Stockholm, Uppsala, Östersund, Kristianstad och Oslo ger en geografisk spridning, kreativ mångfald och en gedigen kompetensbank, vilket säkerställer en hög kvalitet i projekten vi tar oss an. Företaget har ett kvalitets- och miljöledningssystem enligt ISO 9001:2008 samt ISO 14001:2004.

Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder

Prinsgatan 12
41305 Göteborg