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Bild: Leif Johansson, Xrayfoto.
Bild: Leif Johansson, Xrayfoto.

Pressmeddelande -

Press information regarding the Papal visit to Lund

A warm welcome to international press and media to the City of Lund and the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the reformation. Pope Francis and the president of the Lutheran World Federation Munib Younan are two of the inviters.

Guided tours in English and Swedish can be joined during the weekend and the press centre with access to designated work spaces will be open on Sunday and Monday.

Pope Francis will visit Lund on the 31st of October as the Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation jointly commemorate the 500th anniversary of the reformation in Lund’s cathedral. About 500 journalists from across the world are accredited to the Papal visit.

- History and culture are two integral parts of Lund and we wish to give you the opportunity to get to know Lund a little better during your visit. As we expect lots of visitors we have increased the number of guided walking tours in English and Swedish throughout the weekend as well as on Tuesday (1st November), says Karina Bodych from the Lund Tourist Office.

Accreditation and work spaces
All journalists must collect their accreditation at the Press centre of the Swedish church at AF-borgen (address: Sandgatan 2, Lund) between 9 am and 8 pm on Sunday, 30th of October. Thereafter you can access four press centres, two of which are located in Lund and two in Malmö.

The City of Lund has arranged their press centre with 100 designated work spaces for accredited journalists in Stadshallen (address: Stortorget 9, Lund). The opening hours are 9 am – 5.30 pm on Sunday and 8 am – 9 pm on Monday, 31st of October. All accredited journalists are welcome to the press centre and to follow the live broadcast of the service in Lund’s cathedral, conduct interviews and work at one of the 100 provided work spaces.

Live broadcast and general information
The service in Lund’s cathedral is going to be broadcasted live on Swedish national Television (SVT) and displayed on big screens for the general public on the main square (Stortorget) in Lund. The City Library (Stadsbiblioteket; address: Sankt Petri kyrkogata 6, Lund) will also show the service on their premises. All around the city centre information points will be set up. Visitors will here have the possibility to access interpreters, maps, and general information about Lund and the Papal visit.

Free press images provided by the City of Lund can be accessed here: www.lund.se/pressbilder. We will continuously update our website with current information here: www.lund.se/pavebesok

Find out more about the city walking tours
Interested press and media representatives are kindly invited to join the guided walking tours of Lund. For more information and booking please contact Karina Bodych via email: karina.bodych@lund.se or phone: +46 733498124.

Information about the Papal visit
Information on the event itself and more press information you can access here: http://www.lund2016.net/ and https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/hope2016

Traffic information

Be advised to plan where to park during the weekend if you intend to take the car to the centre of Lund. Prohibition of stopping was introduced on multiple streets, be aware of new street signs.

On Monday, the city centre is closed for all types of vehicles between 6 am and 6 pm, you can however walk or bike through Lund. The area in immediate proximity to the cathedral is fully closed off if you are not accredited.

The interactive map will guide you through changes in traffic on the 31st of October: http://lundskommun.maps.arcgis.com/apps/SimpleViewer/index.html?appid=814a8a2011ed4a55bda00d2260dc1acb

Information on public transport during the Papal visit to Lund and Malmö can be found here: https://www.skanetrafiken.se/pope



I mötet mellan idéer och handlingskraft skapas framtidens Lund. Här kan du vara dig själv och utvecklas tillsammans med andra.

Lund – idéernas stad är med 117 000 invånare Sveriges tolfte största stad.

Som arbetsgivare har Lunds kommun cirka 9 000 medarbetare.


Annika Henning

Annika Henning

Presskontakt Pressansvarig 046-359 49 00
Kalle Jönsson

Kalle Jönsson

Presskontakt Pressansvarig 046-359 49 00

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Välkommen till Lund

Lund skapar framtiden – med kunskap, innovation och öppenhet

Lund har en tusenårig historia och är samtidigt en av norra Europas mest innovativa platser med universitet och forskningsanläggningar i världsklass.
Lund är Sveriges tolfte största stad och det bor omkring 128 300 invånare i kommunen.
Som arbetsgivare har Lunds kommun cirka 10 000 medarbetare.

Läs mer på Lund.se.

Lunds kommun

Box 41
221 00 Lund