Nyhet -

Helena Karlberg to speak at TEDxKiruna on 13 March 2014

TEDxKiruna proudly presents Helena Karlberg as speaker at TEDxKiruna 13 March 2014. 

"Attractive environments make people happier"  

Destination Design is the unique identity of a municipality. To find the identity of a location, you must capitalize on the uniqueness of the place, including the culture, history, people, housing, folklore, traditions and local events. We asked Helena Karlberg at Centek to tell us more about this interesting possibility for developing places.

Can you tell us briefly what destination design is all about? 

“Destination Design is about a place's identity and how to strengthen it through design and architecture. Destination Design is also about the experience, hospitality, communication and the overall branding of a place. Destination Design is also about the total experience of a place.  The perception of a place is the accumulation of all of the senses.  To find the identity of a location, you must capitalize on the uniqueness of the place, including the culture, history, people, housing, folklore, traditions and local events. When it is all boiled down, Destination Design is the unique identity of a municipality.”

How can a place be developed by destination design?

“The goal is to create a common theme in the buildings, the events and in the overall appearance of a place, so that the final outcome is a more attractive place that residents are truly proud of. Simply a better place to visit, live and work in. When you stick to a theme, communication becomes clearer and you are more likely to attract both visitors and residents. We are competing with the entire world when attracting visitors or new residents.  We must showcase our uniqueness and stand apart from our competition.  That distinctiveness is what will charm visitors and new residents to our area.”   

Which stakeholders are involved in a process around destination design and roughly, whats the timeline?

 “Centek, where I work, at Luleå University of Technology, has developed a destination program called Time to Redesign Norrbotten (Swedish Lapland). The program is for business leaders and municipality managers. It is important that the participants possess the mandate to introduce major changes in the municipality. This may involve building entirely a new city, like in Kiruna, or as simple as to replace light fixtures and broken signs. This program runs for one year, but Destination Design is an ongoing process. After this year, all 14 municipalities in Norrbotten will have implemented the program, which is a great start for this entire region. What is important to note is that this program can be applied to any region, anywhere.”  

What can Norrbotten as a region win by municipalities being developed through the destination design process?

“As the environment becomes more attractive, residents will be happier and will feel proud and speak well of their community. Norrbotten is also becoming a more attractive place to visit. This leads to growth that appeals to investors and attracts even more residents.”

What is the main message of your TED talk in Kiruna?

 “The environment around us is important for happiness, well-being and development.  What we want is more than good jobs and available housing.  What is needed is an attractive environment where people choose to settle down and raise a family.” 

About TEDxKiruna 

On March 13th 2014 TEDxKiruna returns for the third time for an inspiring day full of amazing speakers sharing their ideas and energy inspiring discussion and perhaps new ventures. We welcome you to one of the world's northernmost TEDx events, hosted in Kiruna in Swedish Lapland, 200 km above the Arctic Circle - right under the magic of the northern light. TEDxKiruna is a cross-disciplinary event for people and minds who come together to listen to fascinating speakers inspiring new thoughts and stimulating discussions.The theme of TEDxKiruna 2014 is transformation and for the first time ever, the event is arranged under ground, in the LKAB Visitor Centre, 540 m below ground. 

In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TED has created TEDx TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxKiruna, where x = independently organized TED event. At TEDxKiruna, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

Helena Karlberg will be speaking at TEDxKiruna on March 13th 2014. 

For more information visit www.tedxkiruna.com - we look forward to seeing you. 


  • Vetenskap, allmänt


  • talent
  • visitors
  • community
  • attraktionskraft
  • norrbotten
  • luleå universitet
  • luleå universitet of technology
  • time to redesign norrbotten
  • dags att designa norrbotten
  • kiruna
  • centek
  • ltu
  • tedxkiruna
  • swedish lapland
  • transformation
  • transformering
  • destination design
  • destinationsdesign
  • spaceport sweden
  • happiness
  • attraktiva samhällen
  • attractive environments


Karin Nilsdotter

Presskontakt VD +46 (0)702268801

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