Nyhet -

Calle Schulman has done it again!

He has done it again. Calle Schulman, this amazing man and Project Playground ambassador. We noticed that suddenly new people started to donate money to us, it made us very happy of course but we wondered what made all those people suddenly donate hundreds of swedish crowns to us… Then we noticed, Calle is out there (again) doing what he can for us. It is an immense humble feeling that comes over us, he engages people, gets funds and is spreading the word for the sake of Project Playground and our children. Thank you Calle, again!

Here is Calle´s latest PPG idea (sorry it´s in Swedish). Spreading the word of PPG through his twitter (@calleshulman) and let people “buy” his avatar by donating to Us;



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  • välgörenhet
  • calle schulman
  • charity