2009-03-31: Workshop on Silicon Carbide Power Electronics for Automotive and Traction Applications

Tid 31 Mars 2009 09:00 – 17:00

Plats Electrum, Kista

The technical advances in silicon carbide technology open opportunities for the development of high-performance power electronics at competitive cost. This is essential to meet the demands on compact low-loss power drives for the future electric vehicle and other applications.

Presentations by internationally recognized experts with special focus on components, modules and system issues.


  • acreo
  • swedish ict


Alice Brax

Presskontakt Presskontakt 010-516 69 88

Magnus Rysjö

Presskontakt Presskontakt 010-516 69 46

Joakim Jakobsson

Presskontakt Presschef 072-452 66 32