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Schneider Electric bidrar till att hjälpa den pakistanska befolkningen efter översvämningarna

Efter de värsta översvämningarna Pakistan har upplevt på mer än ett sextio år har Schneider Electric och Schneider Electrics stiftelse mobiliserat sig för att hjälpa av den drabbade befolkningen och tillsammans med andra organisationer förbereda för återuppbyggnad av landet.

Mer information följer i det engelska pressmeddelandet nedan:

Schneider Electric and its Foundation take action to help the Pakistani population

  • Three tons of essential goods collected by employees from the Gulf zone and distributed to Pakistan
  • Support for two emergency NGOs working particularly in the field of cholera prevention and treatment
  • Technical college projects in specific electrical trades to help prepare for reconstruction

Following the worst floods Pakistan has experienced in more than a sixty years, Schneider Electric teams supported by the Group Foundation have mobilized themselves to come to the aid of affected populations and support relevant associations, in order to prepare for reconstruction.

In partnership with international and local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Schneider Electric has taken action to help the population, both with emergency aid and reconstruction.

“Thanks to Schneider Electric’s employees’ efforts, but also to some customers and partners, we collected three tons of goods in a week, said Arfeen Khalid, President for Schneider Electric Pakistan. Schneider Electric sent essential goods (rice, water, blankets, drugs…) by the quickest possible means, with the active support of the Pakistani army and the Edhi NGO. The first supplies were distributed on 7 September.”

Set up by the local entity, Schneider Electric Gulf Countries, the scheme for donations quickly extended to neighbouring countries: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Lebanon… Schneider Electric Pakistan and the Schneider Electric Foundation then rapidly identified two starting projects directed by emergency NGOs, which contribute:

  • to restoring the water supply (International Solidarity);
  • to health, in particular helping to set up a cholera treatment center (Aide Médicale Internationale) for an estimated population of 40,000 people in the Sukkur zone (South-East of the country).

“Following the emergency phase, Schneider Electric believes that it is crucial to share its skills in the filed of electricity, therefore actively contributing to assembling a workforce within the country to help it rebuild, explained Gilles Vermot Desroches. Senior VP Sustainable Development of Schneider Electric and General Delegate of its Foundation. Hence, Schneider Electric Foundation is currently identifying projects involving the reconstruction of technical and vocational colleges in the most affected areas, giving young Pakistanis the chance to build a future for themselves.”

In urban areas, efforts will be concentrated in the cities of Karachi and Hyderabad. Schneider Electric’s presence in these cities will not only allow us to monitor the quality of training but also to offer students wider openings within local Group entities, or with its customers or partners.


  • Hälsa, sjukvård, läkemedel


  • schneider electric
  • pakistan


Karolina Blacharska

Presskontakt 070-282 67 63