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Alstom and Schneider Electric launch a venture capital fund in innovative technologies for energy and the environment

Alstom and Schneider Electric are joining forces to launch a new venture capital fund to finance innovative start-ups in the fields of energy and the environment. This is the first time worldwide that two major industrial groups are associated in a joint initiative of this nature, which, in addition, remains open to the participation of other potential partners.

The fund, Aster Capital, is based in Paris and will receive progressively a capital subscription of €70 million, from Schneider Electric (€40 million) and Alstom (€30 million). Other industrial partners can be invited to join this initiative to create the European benchmark fund specializing in energy and the environment.

Aster Capital will benefit from the venture capital expertise that the Schneider Electric Ventures team has acquired since 2000 through the management of its first €50 million fund invested in more than 20 companies in North America and Europe ( Two experts from Alstom have recently joined the team, further strengthening its capabilities.

The mission of Aster Capital ( is to take minority interests in innovative start-ups based in Europe, North America and Asia, developing new technologies that could lead to major breakthroughs in the fields of energy and the environment.

The two founding partners, which are world leaders in their respective businesses, share the aim to support the development of innovative young companies and to nurture cooperation and partnerships for their respective markets.


  • Miljö, energi


  • schneider electric
  • alstom
  • aster capital

Om Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric är en global energispecialist med 100 000 anställda och verksamhet i mer än 100 länder. Företaget har ett starkt fokus på energieffektivisering och erbjuder integrerade lösningar för industriell automation, fastighetsautomation, avbrottsfri kraft, eldistribution och elinstallation. Schneider Electric möjliggör säker, pålitlig och effektiv energiförsörjning för kunder i alla branscher. Schneider Electric är noterat på den franska fondbörsen i Paris och 2009 uppgick försäljningen till drygt 15,8 miljarder Euro. I Sverige sysselsätter koncernen knappt 2 000 personer. I den svenska företagsstrukturen ingår även APC, specialist inom avbrottsfri kraft, och Wibe, marknadsledande inom kabelförläggning. Läs mer på:


Karolina Blacharska

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