Press release -

Shifo is Digital Inspirer of the Year, awarded by CIO Awards

On December 14th, 2015 Shifo was announced as The Digital Inspirer of the Year in the annual CIO Awards Gala at Berns in Stockholm.

"We are very thankful to have the title of Digital Inspirer of the Year by CIO Awards. It's tremendously exciting because this award means that our work is being recognised. This is the award that belongs to our team and our partners who are working every day to make the vision a reality for every child to grow strong and healthy, and it is one we share with them. Our vision is a day when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases and our work is directed to seeing this day. We know that our journey is long and we are very thankful to have dedicated people who join us along the journey", says Nargis Rahimi from Shifo Foundation.

"The road from idea to action has never been shorter. The opportunity for anyone who wants to do good has never been greater - for those who take the chance and do it! Shifo shows how a good idea, cooperation and clever use of new technology can make a big difference. The goal that no child should die from preventable diseases by 2030 is worth respecting, and serves as inspiration to all who want to make the world a little better", says the Board of CIO Awards 2015.


  • Social issues, General


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  • cioaward2015
  • cioaward
  • shifo

About Shifo Foundation

Shifo Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Sweden. Our vision is a day when no child dies or suffers from preventable diseases. By working together with our partners we identify and close the real gaps in health service delivery, based on reliable, relevant and transparent data.

Shifo works to strengthen health systems and child health service delivery. We focus on child registration and follow up on children to ensure they receive all essential health services including vaccinations, nutrition, growth monitoring, and tracking the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. We want to ensure that every child is registered and followed-up to receive life saving health services during their most vulnerable time, and ensure that every child grows up strong and healthy.

Shifo has developed MyChild system, which addresses some of the toughest challenges in reaching every child with preventive health services by enabling child registration, ensuring effective follow-up of children, and providing reliable and relevant information for improved decision-making. Shifo is actively working in Uganda and has started to work in Afghanistan together with Swedish Committee for Afghanistan.

About CIO Awards

Each year since 2005 CIO Sweden hosts the Swedish CIO Awards, a gala where CIO of the Year, Project of the Year and Sustainable Project of the Year are announced. The winners are chosen after a rigorous evaluation process covering more than six months.

Entries are open during spring, and anyone is free to nominate projects and CIOs. These entries, combined with original research and tips from other channels, results in a shortlist of candidates. Each CIO finalist is interviewed in depth for about 45 minutes, with open questions about IT and business value, delivery, leadership, innovation, sustainability and social responsibility. In addition, in-depth interviews are conducted with people from both the IT and the business side of their organization.

For each project to reach the finals, we interview one or two people about scope, business value, complexity, innovation and sustainability. The winners are finally chosen by a jury of board directors, CEOs, CIOs, experts, analysts and researchers. 


Nargis Rahimi

Press contact Partnerships and Communications Director