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Social dialog - ett verktyg för utveckling?

Sida arbetar tillsammans med företag, fackföreningar och FN-organet ILO med social dialog som utvecklingsverktyg. Vad betyder det i praktiken? Kan verkligen den här typen av bistånd minska fattigdomen när majoriteten av befolkningen i Sidas partnerländer saknar formell anställning? Bla medverkar Sidas vik generaldirektör Lennart Båge, LO:s ordförande Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, ILO och H&M.

Social dialogue – a tool for development? (Seminariet hålls på engelska)

When our Swedish government presented the Global Deal initiative last year, together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD, social dialogue was placed on the international policy agenda. Social dialogue can be seen as a tool for conflict resolution, development and consensus at the work place. For employees, the target may be better wages and working conditions, while companies may see it as an investment to increase productivity and employment stability.

Sweden has a long experience of social dialogue, but can this be a means towards decent work and inclusive growth also for developing countries?

Sida has recently developed innovative forms of collaboration together with private companies, trade unions and the ILO to promote social dialogue in several countries. What does this mean for development cooperation in practice? And can this kind of aid really help to reduce poverty, when the majority of the people living in poverty in Sida’s partner countries are not formally employed?

The advantages, challenges and complex reality of using social dialogue as a tool for development cooperation will be discussed, illustrated by a concrete example: the Public-Private Development Partnership on Industrial Relations in Cambodia.

Welcome to a Development Talks organised by Sida and LO (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation) in collaboration!

Moderator: Susanna Ahlfors, Sida

När: tisdag den 9 maj 2017, kl. 14.00 - 16.30 (anmälan från 13.30)

Plats: Sida, Oasen, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm

Anmälan: Kontakta Sidas presstjänst på telefon, tel. 08-698 55 55 eller maila


13:30 Coffee and registration

14:00 Introduction: What is social dialogue?
Including short film

14:20 Why do we support social dialogue?
Lennart Båge, Acting Director General, Sida
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, Chairman, LO (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation)

14:40 What is the Global Deal?
Sofia Östmark, Ambassador, the Global Deal secretariat
Susan Hayter, Senior Labour Relations Specialist, ILO (International Labour Organization)

15:00 Coffee break

15:20 Supporting Social Dialogue in Practice: The Case of Cambodia
Lars-Åke Bergqvist, Sustainability Business Expert, Hennes & Mauritz
Mats Svensson, International Secretary, IF Metall
Susan Hayter, Senior Labour Relations Specialist, ILO
Andreas Johansson, Sida Program Officer and First Secretary, the Swedish embassy in Cambodia

15:55 What is the role and potential of social dialogue in development cooperation?
Sofia Östmark, Ambassador, the Global Deal secretariat
Susan Hayter, Senior Labour Relations Specialist, ILO
Jonas Borglin, CEO, NIR, Näringslivets Internationella råd (International Council of Swedish Industry)
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, Chairman, LO
Gun Eriksson Skoog, Senior Policy Specialist Employment, Sida

16:30 End


  • Bistånd


  • globala målen
  • bistånd
  • sida
  • utvecklingssamarbete
  • fattigdom
  • mänskliga rättigheter
  • fn
  • lennart båge
  • karl-petter thorwaldsson
  • ilo
  • h&m
  • global deal
  • lo

För mer information kontakta Sidas pressansvariga på 08-698 55 55 eller press @

Sida är Sveriges biståndsmyndighet och arbetar för att människor som lever i fattigdom själva ska kunna förbättra sina levnadsvillkor.


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