Pressmeddelande -

Björk överlämnade nordiskt filmmusikpris till Fredrik Emilson

Den svenske filmmusikkompositören Fredrik Emilson mottog på lördagskvällen det nordiska filmmusikpriset HARPA Nordic Film Composer Award 2012 för musiken till Ella Lemhagens "Kronjuvelerna".

Den internationella juryn motiverar sitt val så här:

Fredrik Emilson’s score is awarded the prize for its professionalism, effectiveness and restraint, its overall support of the narrative and tone of the film, and not least for its fine orchestration.

Emilson tog emot priset av den isländska musikskaparen Björk under Reykjavik International Film Festival på lördagskvällen.

Övriga nominerade var filmmusikskaparna Timo Hietala (Finland) för långfilmen “Silence”, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson (Island) för dokumentären “The Last Days of the Arctic”, Gisle Martens Meyer (Norge) för dokumentären “Pushwagner” och Nicklas Schmidt (Danmark) för den animerade filmen “The Great Bear”.

Fredrik Emilson är 41 år gammal och aktiv både som musikskapare och regissör. Han har skrivit musik till bland annat Levan Akins "Katinkas kalas" och Ella Lemhagens "Patrik 1, 5". Musiken till ”Kronjuvelerna” nominerades också till Guldbaggen 2012.

Arrangörens pressmeddelande:

PRESS Announcement – The Nordic Film Composer Award 2012

The Swedish composer Fredrik Emilson is awarded the HARPA Nordic Film Composer Award 2012 for his score to the Swedish film “The Crown Jewels” (“Kronjuvelerna”).

The international jury of the Nordic Film Composer Award 2012 motivates its choice as follows:

“Fredrik Emilson’s score is awarded the prize for its professionalism, effectiveness and restraint, its overall support of the narrative and tone of the film, and not least for its fine orchestration.”

The prize was presented to the Swedish composer Saturday evening in front of a festive audience of film conoisseurs in Reykjavík’s new concert hall Harpa as part of the closing ceremony of the Reykjavík International Film Festival.

The other nominees were composers Timo Hietala (Finland) for his score to the feature film “Silence”, Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson (Iceland) for the documentary  “The Last Days of the Arctic”, Gisle Martens Meyer (Norway) for the documentary “Pushwagner” and Nicklas Schmidt (Denmark) for the animated feature “The Great Bear”.

The award was initated by the Nordic Film Composers Network (NFCN) with the aim to strengthen the cooperation between Nordic film composers, honour film music as an art form and highlight the importance of film music in the overall experience of the film.

The Nordic Film Music Award started on a modest scale in 2008. In 2010 it was awarded at the Gothenburg International Film Festival, in 2011 in Copenhagen as part of the festival CPH:PIX. This year, Iceland is the host. And next year, the Nordic Film Composers Award 2013 will be held at Trondheim, April 2013.

Fredrik Emilson is 41 years old and active both as a film composer and director. The score for “The Crown Jewels” was also nominated for the Swedish film awards Guldbaggen 2012.

For further information call the organizer of this year’s event: Jakob Frimann Magnusson: 00 354 77 00 700.

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  • Evenemang


  • filmmusik
  • skap
  • musik
  • kompositörer
  • harpa
  • riff
  • reykjavik international film festival
  • harpa nordic film composer award 2012
  • fredrik emilson
  • kronjuvelerna

SKAP är Sveriges intresseorganisation för yrkesverksamma kompositörer, textförfattare och arrangörer. SKAP bedriver på uppdrag av sina omkring 1000 medlemmar påverkansarbete nationellt och internationellt, erbjuder medlemsservice och är huvudman i Stim. SKAP är också ordförande i ECSA - European Composer & Songwriter Alliance och samarbetar genom ECSA med SGA - Songwriters Guild of America.


Gilda Romero

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef PR och kommunikation 08-783 88 64

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