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//De åtta studenterna i Masterprogrammet i koreografi på DOCH, Dans och Cirkushögskolan; Tamara Alegre, Samuel Feldhandler, Siriol Joyner, Hokuto Kodama, Sara Lindström, Ellinor Ljungkvist, Lisen Pousette och Yari Stilo presenterar sina examensarbeten under fyra dagar på DOCH och Danscentrum 17-20 maj 2018. Fri entré men förboka gärna.//

"Erotic togetherness for other gazes than the male gaze; choreographic scores written with a mathematical precision; reviving a lost Welsh folk solo-dance for one woman; interrogating the mechanisms of constitution of subjectivity; a self portrait that excavate a multiplicity of bodies; biographical women's experiences of anger; the threads of experiences that loss through death triggers; the slow movement of transitioning and fading. These are the many tracks through which Tamara Alegre, Samuel Feldhandler, Siriol Joyner, Hokuto Kodama, Sara Lindström, Ellinor Ljungkvist, Lisen Pousette and Yari Stilo invite us to approach the multiple manifestations of choreographic practice." Frédéric Gies, Head of Programme

Welcome to DOCH and Danscentrum May 17-20, 2018!
Admission is free. Read more here. Book your ticket at www.uniarts.se

THURSDAY May 17, 2018
Times announced daily, Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 4, DOCH
11:30-12:45 Yari Stilo, Fading Into The Voice, Studio 10, DOCH
13:00-14:00 Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 16, DOCH
16:00-17:15 Sara Lindström, Becoming Storm, Studio 16, DOCH
17:30-18:45 Lisen Pousette, Textures of Loss, Studio H, DOCH
19:15-21:15 Samuel Feldhandler, 'd he meant vary a shin's, Studio 16, DOCH
19:30-20:30 Ellinor Ljungkvist, She puts her claws in you, Danscentrum, Jungfrugatan 7

FRIDAY May 18, 2018
Times announced daily, Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 4, DOCH
11:30-12:45 Yari Stilo, Fading Into The Voice, Studio 10, DOCH
13:00-14:15 Hokuto Kodama, Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit) Studio 16, DOCH
16:00-17:00 Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 16, DOCH
17:15-18:30 Lisen Pousette, Textures of Loss, Studio H, DOCH
18:45-20:00 Tamara Alegre, Fiebre, Studio 1, DOCH
19:30-20:30 Ellinor Ljungkvist, She puts her claws in you, Danscentrum, Jungfrugatan 7
20:15-21:30 Sara Lindström, Becoming Storm, Studio 16, DOCH

SATURDAY May 19, 2018
Times announced daily, Siriol Joyner Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 4, DOCH
11:30-12:45 Yari Stilo, Fading Into The Voice, Studio 10, DOCH
13:00-14:15 Sara Lindström, Becoming Storm, Studio 16, DOCH
14:30-16:00 Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan outdoors, DOCH
16:15-18:15 Samuel Feldhandler, 'd he meant vary a shin's, Studio 16, DOCH
18:30-19:45 Tamara Alegre, Fiebre, Studio 1, DOCH
19:30-20:30 Ellinor Ljungkvist, She puts her claws in you, Danscentrum, Jungfrugatan 7
20:00-21:15 Hokuto Kodama, Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit), Studio 16, DOCH

SUNDAY May 20, 2018
Times announced daily, Siriol Joyner Morfa Rhuddlan, Studio 4, DOCH
11:30-12:45 Yari Stilo, Fading Into The Voice, Studio 10, DOCH
13:00-14:15 Lisen Pousette, Textures of Loss, Studio H, DOCH
14:30-15:45 Hokuto Kodama, Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit), Studio 16, DOCH
Siriol Joyner, Morfa Rhuddlan outdoors, DOCH
16:00-17:15 Lisen Pousette, Textures of Loss, Studio H, DOCH
17:30-18:45 Tamara Alegre, Fiebre, Studio 1, DOCH
17:30-19:30 Samuel Feldhandler, 'd he meant vary a shin's, Studio 16, DOCH
19:45-21:00 Lisen Pousette, Textures of Loss, Studio H, DOCH


The Master Programme in Choreography creates a milieu for learning, research and creation processes, as well as for the development of choreographic practices. Thematic learning processes include practical/artistic, methodological and theoretical knowledge, research and interdisciplinary meetings with other artistic and scientific fields of knowledge and expression. Negotiating and analysing different notions of the body and of movement, it focuses on problem-posing and emphasizes the links between choreography and social, ethical and political movements. The programme operates internationally, but also emphasizes the importance of local relations and implementation. The programme is conceived and designed by the permanent members of the artistic committee of the Master in Choreography: Frédéric Gies (Head of Programme), Anna Efraimsson, Sandra Noeth and Anne Juren.

Read more about The Master Programme in Choreography here.

For more information or tickets please contact:
Mira Mutka, DOCH, 070-4530049


Stockholms konstnärliga högskola med skolorna DOCH Dans och Cirkushögskolan, Operahögskolan och Stockholms dramatiska högskola utbildar och forskar inom cirkus, dans, film, media, opera, teater och annan scenkonst. Vi vill med vår unika sammansättning av utbildningar och konstnärlig forskning ge nya möjligheter för framtidens kunskaps- och samhällsutveckling.


Monica Engdahl

Monica Engdahl

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 08-49 400 230
Åsa Edenroth

Åsa Edenroth

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 232
Magdalena Marklund

Magdalena Marklund

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 552
Helle Zimmerman

Helle Zimmerman

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Forskning 08-49 400 228
Heidi Lene Möller

Heidi Lene Möller

Presskontakt Kommunikatör Forskning och tidskriften VIS Journal 08-49 400 242
Johan Palme

Johan Palme

Presskontakt Kommunikatör 08-49 400 239

En ledande internationell miljö för konstnärlig utbildning och forskning.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola (SKH) utbildar och forskar inom cirkus, dans, danspedagogik, film och media, opera och teater. Högskolan har cirka 500 studenter och 200 medarbetare.

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola

Valhallavägen 189
115 53 Stockholm