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​Daniel Sonesson - new CEO at SUP46

Daniel Sonesson takes over as SUP46’s new CEO after Jessica Stark. Daniel has a long experience of tech companies and digital services. He is currently working for Schibsted as their business development manager for Blocket Jobs and Stepstone.

Startup hub SUP46 provides an ecosystem of world-class investors, advisors and partners that provides its members with a competitive advantage. SUP46’s community already consists of more than 100 of Sweden's most promising startups, as members and alumni. In 2016, $48M was invested in a total of 62 current member companies. SUP46 has also created an open, vibrant meeting place with over 30 000 visitors and 200 events per year. During 2017 SUP46 will focus on further expanding its member base of startups outside of Stockholm, helping promising startups from other parts of Sweden to accelerate their growth.

– There has been a huge interest in the position as CEO of SUP46. I am very pleased that we have now recruited Daniel Sonesson. It will be very interesting to see how Daniel, with his exciting new perspective, plans to drive the development of SUP46 forward together with the team, says Mikael Ahlström, Chairman of the Board of SUP46.

Jessica Stark, who earlier this year announced her resignation as CEO, but will continue as a board member and co-owner of SUP46, is also very pleased with the recruitment.

– Daniel absolutely has the right profile for SUP46. He has a passion for entrepreneurship and has extensive experience in running and developing technology focused and digital companies. He also a strong background in business development. He is the right person to lead SUP46’s further development, says Jessica Stark.

Before his position at Blocket, Daniel worked at LinkedIn as their Nordic Manager for premium products. He has also worked as a digital strategy consultant and head of the business area “Business growth” at Cybercom. He learnt to code as a kid and has been an entrepreneur developing a product within digital recruitment, and has been employed by Universum.

– In the future, small businesses will be the engine for job growth and the digital transformation has only just begun. Therefore SUP46 fills an extremely important position that we all have an interest in. I'm passionate about entrepreneurship, community development and digital business and cannot think of a better place to work at, says Daniel Sonesson, incoming CEO of SUP46.

Daniel will join SUP46 after the summer.

For more information:
Mikael Ahlström, Chairman SUP46: +46 70- 375 89 45
Jessica Stark, partner and retiring CEO +46 70-333 32 43
Daniel Sonesson, incoming CEO SUP46: +46 73-530 30 25


  • Ekonomi, finans


  • Stockholm

Big media players, great investors, strategic governmental organizations, and other actors with a strong community authority and startup experience, all support SUP46. SUP46’s partners are MTGx, Schibsted Growth, Bonnier Growth Media, Northzone, Creandum, Industrifonden, STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth), EQT Ventures, Almi Invest, Stockholm Business Region, VINNOVA, AMF Fastigheter and Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship.SUP46’s sponsors are CISCO, Microsoft, Jansson & Norin, Svenskt Näringsliv, Telia Carrier, Grant Thornton, Danske Bank, SEB and Nasdaq.

ABOUT SUP46 (Start-Up People of Sweden)

Startup hub SUP46 was founded in 2013 to gather the startup community. Through the world class ecosystem of investors, advisors and partners members are offered a competitive advantage. Located in the heart of Stockholm, it is home to more than 50 startups and a natural meeting place for the startup community.

Only the most exciting and innovative companies, mainly within Internet, mobile, media, gaming and IoT, are accepted as members. During 2016, $48M was invested in current members and two thirds of the founders had previously driven a scalable company. 93% of all startups that have been accepted to SUP46 since the start are still active. 

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Georgina Varadi

Presskontakt PR & Communications Manager +46734443446