Tickets to the FEI European Championships Gothenburg 2017 are out now!

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Tickets to the FEI European Championships Gothenburg 2017 are out now!

Europe's best Equestrian athletes gather in Gothenburg during August 21-27, 2017 to compete for the medals in the FEI European Championships Gothenburg 2017. The Championship disciplines will be Jumping, Dressage, Driving and Para-Equestrian Dressage. On Friday, June 3 we will release the first set of tickets for Dressage and Jumping at the Ullevi Stadium.
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Josefin Sasse

Josefin Sasse

Presskontakt Presschef 079-143 11 63
Matilda Hjertstrand

Matilda Hjertstrand

Presskontakt Pressansvarig Sport & tävling 0220-456 31

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