Pressmeddelande -

SGU to build a platform for cooperation between the minerals sector of Sweden and Southern Africa

The principal countries involved are Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, i.e. countries in southern Africa where the Swedish policy on long-term development cooperation is being replaced with more selective cooperation strategies and where the minerals sector provides an important part of the economy. The project is funded by SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).

Sweden has a long tradition and extensive collective experience in the minerals sector, and has good prospects of contributing to fair and sustainable management of mineral resources. By establishing networks, creating meeting places and initiating education and training programmes, the project will create potential for long-term self-sustaining relationships between private enterprise, public authorities, universities and other organisations within the Swedish minerals sector and their counterparts in the participating countries.

"We are immensely proud to have been given this mission. We are convinced that SGU, SIDA and the Swedish minerals sector will be able to work together as a bridge in the transition to an exchange of know-how and business relationships based on mutual interests. MeetingPoints Mining is quite simply a question of linking challenging development needs and possibilities with mining sector know-how and expertise ", says Johan Anderberg of SGU.

"This project is important to SIDA because it will help to develop the concept of partner driven cooperation and build on Sweden's good relations with the participating countries, where traditional development cooperation is now being phased out. The project is growth orientated and supports SIDA's primary mission to help to fight poverty," adds Ola Nilsmo of SIDA.

For further information, please contact:
Anders Hallberg, SGU, project manager, + 46 18 17 93 41,

Kaarina Ringstad, SGU, communications and press officer, +46 18 179238,

Erika Ingvald, SGU, communications and press officer, +46 18 179350,


  • Naturresurser


Ulf Boivie

Presskontakt Informatör 018-17 90 50

Kaarina Ringstad

Presskontakt Informatör 018-179238