Pressmeddelande -

Information från APM Terminals

Nedan följer senaste information från APM beträffande deras systembyte.


"We have now been live for 5 days in our new terminal operating system NAVIS and I would like to give a short summary of the first week as well as the focus ahead.

During the week we have had a number of challenges in delivering an acceptable service to our customers, where the rail and trucking customers have been facing longer waiting times and incomplete handling of trains. We do apologize for this, and for next week, we are working round the clock to address these issues. I am pleased, however, that we have been able to give a satisfactory service for our marine customers as well as the empty depots. NAVIS have been working to satisfaction within these areas.

We have a unique solution in our rail hub, and in the preparations for NAVIS we have unfortunately underestimated the level of complexity in the rail hub for implementing a new Terminal Operating System. We also realize that we not taking proper into account the importance of the data quality from our customers and this in combination with the complexity have caused disruptions to our rail customers. We have had a good dialogue during the day with our rail operators and take new measures ahead of next week, where improving the rail performance is our main priority. We will together with the rail operators work to reduce the backlog we carry over from this week as soon as possible.

Our ambition and priority is obvious to return to normal operation as soon as possible and we plan successively to stabilize the operation. The rail operation will also next week be affected, but we are working hard to improve the situation.

Lastly, I would like to give credit to all our employees who despite the current conditions are working hard and dedicated to give as good service as possible."

Best regards
Henrik Kristensen
APM Terminals Gothenburg


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Swedebridge AB


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