Press release -

SweGreen becomes partner in Strategic Innovation Program, Viable Cities: Farming as a Service becomes a new tool in the fight against climate change

Farming as a Service becomes a new tool in the fight against climate change as the FoodTech enterprise SweGreens joins the Swedish Strategic Innovation Program, Viable Cities.

Viable Cities is an innovation program for smart and sustainable cities. The aim is to accelerate the transition to inclusive and climate neutral cities by 2030 with digitalization and citizen engagement as enablers.

SweGreen is an innovation company based in Stockholm focused on futuristic, smart and circular solutions for controlled-environment urban farming. SweGreen own technologies which enables integration of smart vertical farming solutions into real-estate properties. Recently SweGreen has introduced a service for urban production of leafy greens, called Farming as a Service (FaaS), which allows clients to produce greens under their license and close to the city population.

  • Sweden inspires many other nations and has a leading position in the transition of urbanization context and fighting the climate change through smart and sustainable solutions that could be implemented in cities, says Sepehr Mousavi, member representative and Chief Sustainability Officer, CSO at SweGreen.
  • Smart urban farming in infrastructure-integrated settings and by harnessing urban resources could be an exponential factor in localizing the food chains in Sweden and cutting back the carbon footprint associated with our food production and supply, he continues.

Viable Cities is growing steadily and new members like SweGreen are joining the current member pool, the likes of Swedish municipalities, Swedish universities and research institutes and other leading innovation companies. Running from 2017 to 2030, the program gathers partners from industry, academia, public and civil society organizations, and jointly funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova), the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas with a total investment of 1 billion SEK (about 100 million EUR).

Viable Cities is coordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

  • Together with our member organizations and other stakeholders, we aim to accelerate the transition to climate neutral cities by 2030 with a good life for all within planetary boundaries, says Olga Kordas, Program Director of Viable Cities and a researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Transforming our food systems are one of the key challenges, Olga Kordas continues, and we are happy to be joined by SweGreen to co-create solutions for the future.

Andreas Dahlin, CEO of SweGreen, highlights:

  • -We are honoured to be part of such a committed and influential strategic program and partner pool as Viable Cities’. We hope to contribute with innovations around the concept of Farming as a Service, which really could impact food production today and in the future. The ability to produce fresh and nutrient food close to the consumer will be one of the big missions for food industry in the upcoming decades.

For more information:

Sepehr Mousavi, CSO SweGreen, +46(0)73-3140043

Andreas Dahlin, CEO SweGreen, +46(0)70-9240032

Åsa Minoz, Head of Communications, Viable Cities,


  • Electronic business, communication


  • #faas
  • #swegreen
  • #viablecities
  • #smartcities


  • Stockholm

Swegreen är ett svenskt GreenTech-företag som erbjuder digitala, effektiva och cirkulära lösningar för stadsodling i sluten miljö. Genom att kombinera avancerad teknologi, odlingskompetens och datavetenskap driver Swegreen utvecklingen av urban hållbar matproduktion. Bolaget etablerades 2019 och säljer sallad, örter och grönsaker under varumärket Stadsbondens.


Sepehr Mousavi

Press contact Chief Innovation Officer +46(0)733140043