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New feature: Hiring teams

At Teamtailor we believe that hiring should be a team effort. To find the best possible candidate HR needs to be able to efficiently work together with the rest of the organization, and especially with the future team members of your recruit.  

We've noticed that a lot of companies already work in teams today, and these are some of the benefits we observed. 

  • Higher credibility towards candidates
    When competing for top talent it is really helpful to include key employees with high credibility to connect with potential candidates. 
  • Team satisfaction
    Once you find your perfect candidate and it's time to hire, you will already have buy-in from the hiring team members, which in most cases will be the people working closest to the new employee. 
  • Half the work, twice the fun
    And last but not least important, it's fun to work in teams! Any modern HR department need to make building the team a company wide focus, not something handled by HR only. 

But we also observed some problems, and areas of improvement. Today it’s common to print out CV’s and hand out to selected employees for review, and to send endless threads of emails asking for feedback. This can result in chaos and unnecessary frustration.

Hiring teams à la Teamtailor

With our new feature, hiring teams, this has now become so much easier than before. In a few minutes you will be able to set up a team for a job, and get to work. 

All team members get access to the applications for that specific job, and will be able to review each candidate. 

Activity feed
Each job and candidate have a new view that shows all activity, like new applications, notes, reviews and more. This gives every team member a handy overview of the hiring progress.

Individual ratings for each team member
Each team member can add their own review to a candidate. A review consists of a rating between 1-5 stars and an optional comment. An average rating will be shown in all views, and can be used for sorting and filtering. 

Daily digest email
We send every team member a convenient daily overview of everything that has happened since your last update.

Give it a try - we hope you will like it! If you have any questions, call us or send an email to

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  • karriärsida
  • hiring teams
  • employer branding
  • rekrytering
  • recruiting


Suzan Dil

Presskontakt Marknadschef 0705470644

Erik Andersson

Presskontakt Medgrundare 0735000131