Press release -

Just How Green is Our Business Scene?

The green scene in Singapore is still pretty much in its infancy, as observed through our penchant for using plastic bags, the way our rubbish is never sorted out, and even the large number of fuel-guzzling cars plying our congested roads.  In this sense, starting a green business that caters primarily for Singaporean consumers seems to be a foolhardy thing to do, as there seems to be little demand for such businesses.

Yet entrepreneurs who have taken the plunge say that it is exactly because the scene is still developing that there is plenty of growth potential.

“For sectors that are undeveloped, it means there’s a potential market, so there’s potentially money to be made,” said Peter Goh, one of the three founders of Chloros Solutions – a consultancy firm that advises clients on how to make their homes green, and subsequently helps them link up with suppliers.

With the youth of the business-to-consumer green industry in Singapore, many start-ups are offering niche services, as it is easier to solve a small problem first.

“Offering services is a good way for people to discover where they can make changes in their lives. Naturally, consulting and services businesses are always followed by products,” said Nigel Hembrow, in charge of business development at GreenPost, which allows people to view electronic bills from different merchants in a single window online, instead of receiving paper bills.

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  • Business enterprise, General


  • chloros
  • consultancy
  • eco
  • eco-friendly
  • energy consultancies
  • environment
  • green
  • green living
  • home energy audit
  • singapore
  • spring singapore
  • sustainability
  • ace
  • ace singapore

At Chloros Solutions Pte. Ltd., we seek to be the premium one-stop hub for Green solutions, for both private consumers and corporate businesses, with a strong emphasis on personalized services. Eco-friendly living and sustainble development aside, the company hopes to be able to raise awareness in matters pertaining to the environment, believing that every small step taken makes a difference.