Press release -

MyStream accelerates global expansion through partnership with Singapore-headquarted virtual network operator Nevigate

Paris/Singapore, January 7 2013 – MyStream, international operator of high availability IP networks, has announced the signing of a partnership agreement with Nevigate, a virtual network operator headquartered in Singapore, for all connectivity services in Asia required by its end-customers. For Nevigate, this partnership enhances the delivery of more complex support and maintenance services required by customers in Europe and especially in France, and will also help Nevigate to capture growth opportunities in the region.

Nevigate uses a virtual network overlay to operate a carrier-independent and carrier-neutral network, with its services spanning more than 150 countries via multiple providers and partners. It currently has regional offices in Cyprus, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the UAE.

“This collaboration is very enriching for MyStream. We learn something new every single day. Indeed, the teams at Nevigate have a whole other culture and we need to keep adapting all the time. We were able to work for renowned references, which demonstrate our expertise and professionalism,” said Cyril Wellenstein, MyStream Founder and Sales Director.

“This is a win-win partnership as we also call upon Nevigate’s expertise to support our French clients who wish to expand their activity in Asia,” concluded Cyril Wellenstein.

MyStream aims to strengthen the interconnection of its indirect partners abroad, thereby creating a network that can cover the entire globe. This would also be a way for the operator to move up with the possibility of managing increasingly larger networks. Mystream therefore continues its international expansion and confirms its dynamism and the technical expertise for which it is recognized on complex telecoms infrastructures.

“Reliable and responsive partners are critical to our success, and core to our business model. We will continue to evaluate and select partners who can help enhance our ability to deliver unparalleled global networks and customer experiences,” said GK Tan, Managing Director, Nevigate.


  • PR, Communication

A propos de MyStream

Créée en 2003 par Alain Rousselin et Cyril Wellenstein, MyStream est un opérateur international de réseaux IP haute disponibilité qui propose aux entreprises de déployer, exploiter et superviser des réseaux de données et de VoIP à haute disponibilité associant de manière redondante les meilleures offres des opérateurs en France et à l’international.

MyStream allie efficacité économique, sécurité technique et proximité humaine afin d’apporter un service sur-mesure et de qualité aux entreprises multi-sites. 

MyStream supervise en permanence les réseaux qu’il opère pour le compte de ses clients, à partir de son centre opérationnel basé à Paris. L’opérateur compte 200 clients actifs et gère ainsi plus de 5000 sites en France et en Europe grâce à une équipe d’ingénieurs en charge du développement et de l’adaptation de l’offre et un réseau de partenaires locaux présents dans les différents pays où sont implantés ses clients.

Soutenue par OSEO-ANVAR pour le développement de MyBOX, du Groupement des Ecoles de Télécommunications et du pôle Paris Développement, MyStream a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 5,3 millions d’euros en 2012 en croissance de 10 % par rapport à 2011. MyStream est une entreprise profitable depuis sa création et qui consacre 20 % de son chiffre d’affaires annuel à la R&D.

Pour plus d’information concernant MyStream, merci de consulter l’adresse suivante : www.

About Nevigate

Nevigate is an independent global network services and solutions provider, headquartered in Singapore with regional offices in Cyprus, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and UAE. Customers choose Nevigate to access an Aggregate One-Stop Shop (OSS) Platform with multiple diverse solutions and service coverage in more than 150 countries via multiple providers and partners. Customers are supported by a team of highly skilled, experienced professionals, NOC and 24x7 Network Monitoring Services for greater ease of operations, cost effectiveness and service flexibility.

Leading telecommunications companies partner Nevigate for its local knowledge and relevant expertise in the markets they operate in, the ability to design and build innovative, trusted solutions that address their needs as well as offer a complete business operations lifecycle partnership.

For more information, please go to

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Our focus is on Corporate Communications, Crisis Management, Reputation Management and Social Media. Combining a clear business-oriented approach with a focus on measurable results, our network of experts helps brands tell their story and tie directly into their overall communications objectives.

We are run out of Singapore and serve clients in Asia Pacific and beyond through our strong links to Europe and North America.


Lars Voedisch

Press contact Managing Director & Principal Consultant +65 9170 2470