Blog post -

Into the Wild (of Business)


It has now been one week since the toss into the wild. I am still wrapping my head around the fact that I have been working a job other than football(soccer) for 3 months, and already I have been doing stuff on my own that usually would take a large team of business brains. Mind boggling. I am not saying that I do not have business brains, but I am also not saying I do have business brains. It is just a lot info and tasks at first that I wasn’t expecting. Do I like it? I sure do. Am I good at it? Hard to tell yet, but I am enjoying it a lot. I mean I get to make videos and write blogs all day. I also do other things than that but it is not as chic as the arts.

Well in one week I managed to dive head first into the convention scene, travel abroad, talk about diabetes(almost a doctor now), split my pants 🙄, watch United get knocked out of champions league 💔, and meet some pretty cool people. Some more glamorous and enjoyable than others. Still can’t believe United were that garbage.

Since the London event I have made some good contacts about our services and possible collaborations we can make. One contact was a University in London that was very curious to have the use of Smart Break in the school. Of course, why don’t we go to Universities with this idea? YES, we are open for all to use. I think this product would be nice for students to get a little movement during their lectures. When I was in University 🤓, during the lectures I would often get tired and bored, sometimes I would even nod off for a short siesta. They were crucial for my brain to get a break from all the learning I was doing. But if I had Smart Break, maybe I would have stayed awake or even showed up for class!!! Am I right! Either way it would be a good product for student engagement in the classroom.

So, where are we at now? Well, Smart Break is starting a new journey to the US soon, oh very very soon. The Collision Conference is right around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited, and terrified. There is nothing more terrifying than being an American and having to sell a foreign product in America. Rough time for me, but I am a trooper and will take the weight on my shoulders, I can be a martyr, comes with the job. Kidding, it will be a tough process, but not as hard when the product is as simple and cost effective as this. We have been working on content for this event and have made an elevator pitch inside an elevator, which was actually quite difficult to film. Filming this in the elevator was also not well received, due to the fact that we had taken over the only elevator for 30 minutes. And in those 30 minutes we managed to irritate some people who were very against taking the stairs. Whoops.

Along with Collision Conference in New Orleans, we will be attending the ArcticStartup event at Arctic15 in Helsinki. This is nice because it is an international event held for companies and startups. It is now getting more interest, now that Gary Vaynerchuk has been associated with it. Can you imagine Gary Vee and I spit balling about this product or even life in general. Oh man! The conversation between us would go something like,

ME- Hey Gary, blaaa blaaaa blaaa Smart Break blaaa blaa is it a good idea?

Gary- Is it a good idea? Is snow white??!!

ME- Is snow white what…..?

Gary- No, is SNOW white? The color?

ME- Aaahh I see, yes it is white and sometimes it can be yellow but we don’t play in that kind of snow but yes it is white.

Gary- (Gary then sighs really long but smiles).

ME-Oh you think we are a multi million dollar product and you want to invest heavily??!!

Gary- Precisely what I am saying!

ME- That’s great, I knew you would like it and I knew we would hit it off. Like minded people often become bffs! ”

Yep, that sounds exactly how it would go. Of course, I would strongly advise against him buying the Jets and persuade him to buy Gamlakarleby Bollklubb and invest highly in the American left back on the team 😎😁.

We are excited about all the events coming our way and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Smart Break. Be sure to check us out on social media and have a great week!!


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