Blog post -

Smart Breaking In London


Rise and shine!! Smart Break was ready for what day 2 was bringing! But was I? Of course, I’m a beast!

I have now been at Raisoft for 3 months, roughly and was ready to take on any challenge head on. Why do people think head on is a smart way to do things? I don’t get it, I would never go head first into water. Hell, I am an avid water sportsman and I still wouldn’t go head first into water, unless it was for competition, then all bets are off.

Anyways, today was the day! I started the day off with a delicious breakfast. Fresh fruit that was from a cup that was sealed and then get this, cereal. Yes many think that in England they have breakfast like beans, sausages and eggs. Nope! They have unflavored yogurt, cereal (rice krispies and frosted flakes) and various pastries. If you did not want pastries you could opt for the hard bread they had in bulk. I’m not sure if the bread was hard on purpose or by accident, I chose two bowls of cereal. But I really respected the fact that the juice machine wasn’t working because to me it meant that they only would serve the best and freshest of juices. They must have run out and did not want to serve a product that was below par. I get it, that’s high class. Topping off the breakfast was a fresh ground french coffee brewed in seconds. I think it was called a bravilor bolero, which I think is french. I am very cultured so it is pronounced brahvilua bolairow, which now that i’m saying this and can now confirm I have no clue if it is french, same same.

After getting everything ready I started my half marathon walk to the convention center. When I arrived Olli was ready for war, in fact he purchased pears for us to hand out, brilliant. Luickily they were half off so it was a great investment. The first hours at the event, I was on my own at the stand. Olli was busy getting ready for his PITCH, which he nailed. Before this event started I was a bit nervous, I don’t know why because it was really relaxed scene. I didn’t need to go out and find people to bring to my stand, I just stood and waited. Too easy.

I met a couple of people that were also exhibiting there products that were very nice, there was VR CPR, which was interesting. I also tried on Smart glasses that can detect motions from the skin on my face from stretching. Seeing as I’m very young and energetic (sprightly), with no wrinkles I’m sure it was easy to read my facial skin. Either way the product I had was different from others. This was a bit of a challenge because this event was mainly for healthcare and hospitals, which is not really our target market. But, people were very interested. Olli and I were very busy and didn’t really have a chance to sit or even take some breaks. We took lunch in shifts because we were so busy.

And if you are wondering, no I don’t know about diabetes and the terms or numbers behind the disease. There were a couple times where I was in conversations with MD's and CEO's of medical clinics and they were using some medical terms that i had no clue what they meant. I just simply stated that I am not the one they should talk to and that Olli will gladly fill them in on what they wanted to know. Of course , I could have said something like “ oh yeah, I have read a couple of articles and studies on that, but this is more like a activity tracker for risk analysis.”(may or may not have said that 😁😎)

The expo was a great experience for me and was a good prep for the future. After the event Olli and I grabbed a bite to eat and parted ways til we met again in battle the next morning. On the way home I decided to get a converter seeing as I forgot mine. While I was crouching to pick the converter from the lower shelf I heard a loud rip sound. Was it me, I thought. Daaaaang, now what. As I slowly stood up,turning to see a group of people staring at me as if they were scared and embarrassed for me, I froze. What made it worse was when a lady said “ Uh Oh”, without hesitation I said “was that you!!” Here is some advice for you, when in doubt, blame everyone else. Needless to say I didn’t by the converter and left immediately. Off to H&M!!

Day three soon to come, Future Healthcare Expo was turning out to be a good starting point for me and my career with smart break.


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals