Press release -

Sony Europe delivers advanced online point of sale platform to retailers

Sony Europe can now reach consumers via retail websites with the latest product marketing information at critical moments in the purchase cycle with its new online point of sale (POS) marketing platform powered by WebCollage.

Industry research has shown that when consumers have access to detailed information online, they are more likely to buy. WebCollage enables Sony Europe to automatically integrate the latest product marketing information across all of its key categories onto retail websites. This is achieved by syndication from Sony to retailer’s web sites enabled by WebCollage’s online POS marketing platform and is available for a wide range of Sony categories including TV and Home Audio/Video, camcorders and digital photography, audio products and MP3 players. The assets syndicated include Videos, 3D Views, Product Tours, Environmental Information, Benefits, Product Descriptions and Image Galleries.

“We know that consumers are relying on the Internet during the entire purchase cycle to research products and make brand decisions. It’s critical for Sony to be able to reach consumers on retail websites with the latest product information. Furthermore, The WebCollage solution will support our retailers to be more effective as Sony assets will be seamlessly integrated and automatically maintained on their web sites“ said Hans Mastenbroek, Director at Sony Europe Sales and Marketing Strategy office. “In the same way that we are able to create marketing programs that help retailers convert prospects in-store, WebCollage provides us with a common infrastructure across Europe to deliver product marketing information to engage retail customers online and therefore build success in partnership with our Channel.”

WebCollage is a leading content exchange for manufacturers and their business partners. It solves the problem of how to ensure that retailers have the latest Sony product marketing information seamlessly integrated into their website. Retailers no longer have to worry about content formatting, variations in site experience or continually updating their websites as new products are released and current products are updated.WebCollage takes care of all this automatically.

’We are very excited to be working with Sony Europe. As one the world’s leading brands, Sony’s use of our platform is not only a testament to the importance that Sony Europe places on making investments in its retailers’ online marketing, but it’s also a great endorsement of our technology,” said Jed Alpert, Vice President of Marketing at WebCollage.


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