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Central industry issues forming Nordbygg 2018 – big launch of Nordic ConTech

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Central industry issues forming Nordbygg 2018 – big launch of Nordic ConTech

The Swedish construction sector has many issues on the agenda. Innovative development, new demands on the role of the client and recruitment are a few of them. At Nordbygg 2018, these and many more will be addressed.

Nordic ConTech is the construction sector's new platform for innovative development. The initiative is Swedish, with the ambition to cover the Nordic construction and property market. The innovation companies taking part are all internationally active.

The broad launch of Nordic ConTech will take place a Nordbygg 2018, with an exhibition and meetings between the industry's actors, start-ups/innovators and financiers. The visitors can also look forward to daily lectures on the big stage in the entrance hall, with speakers from the innovation companies Flir, Cisco/Philips, Cling and Sportscale. Each session will start with a presentation of the concept.

Every day at 11 am, a guided tour will emanate from Nordic ConTech's showcase to some of the most innovative exhibitors at Nordbygg.

For international groups, please contact Press Officer Jörgen Hallström

New demands on clients

With a construction sector that is becoming increasingly complex, the demands on the competence of the clients are growing. This has led to the role of the client becoming one of the major issues for the Swedish construction industry. As an important industry actor, Nordbygg takes a leading role and makes the fair a place of knowledge and exchange of important insights.

– The client has an enormously important role in the construction process. Nordbygg 2018 offers a unique opportunity for developers to get an up-to-date picture of what this industry, in intense development, can offer and what they therefore may demand and expect in their procurements, says Peter Söderberg, Project Manager for Nordbygg.

Sort out your recruitment needs at Nordbygg

Recruitment and further education are also central issues for the Swedish construction sector. As a support for the industry, Nordbygg 2018 arranges a Student and Recruitment day on April 10. The effort is made in cooperation with the trade union SACO. Another initiative is the Knowledge and career market, where those who are interested in the construction industry are most welcome.

– Nordbygg is there to be of use to the industry. That is why recruitment and further education are important features at the fair. The new Knowledge and career market gathers exhibitors who offer industry specific professional training and further education. Here, the person who wants to move further with their career, or find a new job, will find contacts, knowledge and inspiration, says Margaretha Karlsson, Operative Project Manager, Nordbygg.

For more information visit or contact:
Peter Söderberg, Event Manager,, +46 8 749 43 93.
Liisa Aus, Content & Media Manager,, +46 70-789 41 53


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