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​Media Advisory Note - Not For Publication - regarding murder of Valerie Graves

Media Advisory Note - Not For Publication - From the Crown Prosecution Service and Sussex Police;

In relation to the arrest of man in Romania for the murder of Valerie Graves in Bosham, West Sussex, it has come to notice that the video and text of an interview recorded in the man's flat during his arrest today, 10 July, has been supplied to some news media outlets and circulated online.

The attention of Editors is brought to Section 2(2) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981, which relates to publication, once proceedings are active, of information which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice in the proceedings in question will be seriously impeded or prejudiced.

Proceedings are active in this case as the man has been arrested on the authority of an European Arrest Warrant, for his extradition to this country to face trial for murder. There is also a domestic warrant of arrest in existence

In these circumstances both CPS and Sussex Police take the view that publication of the interview would give rise to substantial risk of seriously prejudicing the proceedings in the UK, and Editors are asked not to publish or broadcast the interview, in text or audio, or to allude to the nature of the content, while proceedings are active.

Ref: SXP55001/2019
Author: Tim Mahony


  • Police matters