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2017 Sustainable Packaging Trends

Call it Eco-Friendly, Ecological, Environmentally Friendly or Sustainable, more and more companies are now realising the importance of “going green” when it comes to packaging.

But why has sustainable packaging gained incredible popularity nowadays?

One of the main reasons is because a lot of waste comes from getting rid of packaging, most of which ends up in landfills. Therefore, many companies are now looking into different ways of incorporating sustainable materials and construction methods in their packaging in order to lessen their impact on the environment.

Let’s now have a look at the Sustainable Packaging Trends for 2017 according to Kevin Hill, packaging expert.

1. Clearer Labelling

Be honest with consumers. By increasing transparency, you help inform your customers on how to recycle the product packaging or how to dispose of it properly. Also, this way consumers will be better informed and aware of what they are buying.

2. Lightweight Packaging

The concept of lightweight packaging is becoming more and more popular as of late. There certainly are numerous benefits derived from it: you need less material to produce packages, the manufacturing costs are low, the environmental impact from transport is minimized and the waste sent to the landfills is reduced.

3. More Recyclable Materials

The easiest way to ensure that the packaging creates the least impact on the planet is by manufacturing it using recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper, recyclable plastics, etc. More and more companies are now becoming environmentally conscious and started looking for alternative and harmless materials.

4. Edible Packaging

Edible packaging is about eliminating the packaging waste altogether. This is a conscious effort made by several companies to reduce the overall plastics and paper waste. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be able to eat the packaging of the product it came with??

However, this new trend doesn’t come without challenges. Think about logistical problems, such as the risk of the packaging braking up during transportation, or marketing challenges related to customers’ skepticism about the packaging being unhygienic.

5. Smaller Packaging

Do you use a huge package for a tiny product? You are creating extra material that needs to be disposed of! The new tendency is to create customized packaging boxes in order to save space and materials. An increasing number of companies are now opting for minimalistic packaging that ranks high both on aesthetics and design. Ditch bulky packages and it won’t be long before your customers notice how your product provides better value!


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  • Packaging, packing