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Simply GREEN: Certification systems in a nutshell in Swegon Air Academy´s newest book!

Swegon Air Academy, as a neutral platform for sharing the knowledge and experience, is again actively contributing to knowledge sharing.  Swegon Air Academy´s first two books ‘AIR’ and ‘Simply EPBD’ were received very well in the market which is in great need of publications which summarize all that happens to the air we breathe and the complexity of the European Performance of Buildings Directive.  Swegon Air Academy´s newest book Simply GREEN continues to guide through the complexity of various classification systems.

One might ask why certify at all? The reasons vary from stronger branding with an environmental profile and ensuring a good indoor environment, to energy efficiency and “guaranteed” building quality leading to more tenants and higher occupancy rates which ultimately can give increased financial value of a building. All this leads to an important message which is to understand the certification systems and to be able to compare them on a good level.

And this is why the new Swegon Air Academy´s book exists. In words of Professor Emeritus Brian Edwards: “In this publication I am struck by the way a complex field is reduced to simple language and straightforward principles and facts. Too often building certification is mired by excessive technical description and construction jargon. In the spirit of knowledge sharing and technological exchange, Swegon Air Academy has served Europe’s construction industry well by funding this simple GREEN guide to environmental and energy certification.”

In total, the ‘Simply GREEN’ book describes thirteen certification systems – from purely environmental to energy-based classification systems for energy-efficient buildings worldwide. This book discusses six environmental certification systems: the British BREEAM Assessment Method, the US LEED Rating System, the German DGNB Certification System, the Australian Green Star Rating System, the Swedish Miljöbyggnad system and the French HQE system. Three purely energy-based systems are discussed: the European Green Building Programme, the Swiss Minergie Building Standard and the German Passive House (Passivhaus) Standard. Finally, a further four systems are described very briefly: the Japanese CASBEE assessment system, the Indian IGBC rating system, the US ENERGY STAR program and the French Effinergie system, of which CASBEE and IGBC are regarded as environmental certification systems.

The ‘Simply GREEN’ book is available at the bookstore at for the price of € 20 (incl. VAT, excl. postage). Special price for Swegon Air Academy´s members is € 15 (requires creating an account to get Swegon Air Academy´s membership). The iBOOK and eBOOK versions will be available early in 2013!

Contact: Petra Vladykova,, Swegon AB, Sweden

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  • Environment, Energy


  • casbee
  • hqe
  • dgnb
  • leed
  • breeam


Henrik Paulsson

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